KAISERLICHER ERLASS ÜBER DIE EINFÜHRUNG DER KAZOKU (DER FÜNF ADELSKLASSEN) VOM 6. JUNI 1884 Die Nachkommen adliger Familien und solche, die sich durch hervorragende Taten ausgezeichnet haben, bilden die Elite der ganzen Nation. Wir glauben einen Akt der Gerechtigkeit auszuführen, wenn Wir ihnen besondere Titel verleihen. Die Beamten und Offiziere, die Uns gelegentlich während der Restauration mit ihren Ratschlägen oder durch ihre Tapferkeit geholfen haben, verdienen ebenfalls eine Belohnung. Aus diesen Gründen, in Anerkennung geleisteter Dienste, dekretieren Wir mit Gegenwärtigem die Schaffung von fünf Adelsklassen. Diese werden nach einem besonderen Reglement geführt. Wir erwarten von Ihnen, meine Herren, eine beständige Treue und wünschen, daß Sie diese Titel, die Wir Ihnen heute verleihen, auf eine lange Reihe von Generationen vererben. Die kaiserlichen Bestimmungen über die Adelsklassen sind folgende: 1. Die Adelstitel werden durch ein kaiserliches Dekret verliehen und von dem Minister Unseres Hauses notifiziert. 2. Die Titel werden in fünf Klassen geteilt: Kôshaku (Fürst), Hôshaku (Marquis), Hakushaku (Graf), Shishaku (Vicomte) und Danshaku (Baron). 3. Die vorstehenden Titel können nur auf Kinder männlichen Geschlechtes, und zwar in der Primogenitur, übertragen werden. Wenn bei dem Erlasse des Gegenwärtigen eine Frau an der Spitze einer adligen Familie steht, so kann sie einen Erben adoptieren, auf den ihr Titel übertragen wird. In diesem Fall hat sie an den Minister Unseres Hauses ein Gesuch zu richten mit der Bitte, daß ihr Titel auf den von ihr gewählten Erben übertragen werde. Dieses Gesuch muß von den Mitgliedern einer Familie, die den Titel Kazoku (›Blühende Familien‹ = die fünf Adelsklassen) zu führen berechtigt ist, gebilligt werden. 4. Wenn das Haupt einer adligen Familie ohne Hinterlassung eines männlichen Erben stirbt, erlischt der von ihm geführte Titel. 5. Die Gemahlin eines Adligen führt den ihrem Gemahl verliehenen Titel und genießt dieselben Auszeichnungen. 6. Der Großvater und der Vater eines Adligen und sein Enkel aus der älteren Linie gehören dem Adel an, ebenso deren Gattinnen. 7. Der Adelstitel kann nur auf den Erben erst nach erfolgtem Ableben des Titelträgers übertragen werden. Wenn ein Adliger infolge eines Verbrechens oder einer Strafe seines Titels verlustig geht, kann der Kaiser befehlen, daß dieser Titel auf denjenigen übertragen werde, der dessen Erbe sein sollte. 8. Die Kontrolle des Adels und die Übertragung von Titeln werden vom Minister des Kaiserlichen Hauses ausgeführt. 9. Die Adligen, ihre Söhne, ihre Brüder oder ihre Verwandten müssen, ehe sie eine Ehe schließen oder ein Kind adoptieren, vorher die Bewilligung des Ministers des Kaiserlichen Hauses dazu erhalten. 10. Alle Mitglieder des Adels haben darüber zu wachen, daß ihre Verwandten eine sorgfältige Erziehung erhalten. Auf Befehl Seiner Majestät des Kaisers gez. Itô Hirobumi Minister des Kaiserlichen Hauses CHRONOLOGISCHE LISTE DER ADELSTITEL DER JAPANISCHEN PAIRIE (kazoku) [] = Datum der ersten Verleihung des Titels () = Datum der Nachfolge weiterer Titelträger einer Pairie F = Fürst; M = Marquis; G = Graf; V = Vicomte; B = Baron Innerhalb eines Datums sind die Titelträger alphabetisch erst nach Familiennamen, dann nach Vornamen, geordnet. (1)(2)(3) = Mehrfaches Auftreten einer Person durch Erhöhung des Titels 1. 2. 3. 4. = Weitere Träger des Titels I, II = Namensgleiche Träger verschiedener Titel desselben Datums Die Eingruppierungen (Bauer, Daimyô, Gefolgsmann (eines Clans/ des Shôgunats), Geschäftsmann, Hatamoto, Herrscher, Kaiserhaus, Kuge, Militär, Politik, Religion, Samurai, Shôgun) geben Auskunft über die soziale Herkunft des ersten Titelträgers. [1884-7-?] V Takeya Mitsuaki, Kuge [1884-7-?] B Tamamatsu Sanetaka, Politik [1884-7-?] V Toki Yorioki, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Abe Masatake, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Aburanokôji Takateru, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Anenokôji Kinyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Arima Yoritsumu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Asano Nagakoto, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Asukai Masamochi, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Daigo Tadaosa, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Date Munemoto, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Date Muneie, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-7] G Gotô Shôjirô, Samurai des Tosa-Clans [1884-7-7] M Hachisuka Mochiaki, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Hamuro Nagakuni, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Hashimoto Saneyana, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Higashikuze Michihiro, Kuge [1884-7-7] V Hijikata Hisamoto, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans (1) [1884-7-7] G Hino Sukehide, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Hirohata Tadaaki, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Hirosawa Kinjirô, Samurai des Chôshû-Clans [1884-7-7] G Hisamatsu Sadakoto, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Hosokawa Morihisa, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Hotta Masatomo, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Ichijô Saneteru, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Ii Naonori, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Ijichi Masaharu, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1884-7-7] M Ikeda Akimasa, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Ikeda Terutomo, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Inoue Kaoru, Samurai des Chôshû-Clans (1) [1884-7-7] G Itô Hirobumi, Bauer (1) [1884-7-7] G Kajûji Akimasa, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Kanroji Yoshinaga, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Karasumaru Mitsuyuki, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Kawamura Sumiyoshi, Militär [1884-7-7] M Kazan-in Tadatô, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Kido Shôjirô, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Kikutei Yukisue, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Koga Michitsune, Kuge [1884-7-7] F Konoe Atsumaro, Kuge [1884-7-7] F Kujô Michitaka, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Kuroda Kiyotaka, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1884-7-7] M Kuroda Nagashige, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Madenokôji Michifusa, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Maeda Toshiatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Maeda Toshitsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Matsudaira Mochiaki, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-7] G Matsudaira Motonori, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Matsudaira Naoaki, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Matsudaira Yoritoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Matsukata Masayoshi, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1) [1884-7-7] G Matsunoki Munetaka, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Matsuura Akira, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Mizoguchi Naomasa, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Môri Motonori, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Muromachi Kimmasu, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Nabeshima Naohiro, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Nakagawa Hisanaru, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Nakanoin Michinori, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Nakayama Tadayasu, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Nambu Toshiyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Nijô Motohiro, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Nishisanjô Kinae, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Niwata Shigenao, Kuge [1884-7-7] V Ogasawara Naganari, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Ogasawara Tadanobu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Ôgi Takatô, Politik [1884-7-7] M Ôinomikado Ikumaro, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Ôkubo Toshinari, Samurai des Satsuma-Clans [1884-7-7] G Okudaira Masayuki, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Ôyama Iwao, Militär (1) [1884-7-7] G Saga Kintô, Kuge (1) [1884-7-7] G Saigô Jûdô, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1) [1884-7-7] M Saionji Kimmochi, Kuge (1) [1884-7-7] G Sakai Tadamichi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Sakai Tadasumi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Sanada Yukimoto, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Sanjô Sanetomi, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Sasaki Takayuki, Samurai des Tosa-Clans (1) [1884-7-7] M Satake Yoshitaka, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Seikanji Morifusa, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Shigenoi Kinhisa, Kuge [1884-7-7] M Shijô Takachika, Kuge [1884-7-7] F Shimazu Hisamitsu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] V Shimazu Tadaakira, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-7] F Shimazu Tadayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Shimizutani Saneakira, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Sô Shigemasa, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Soejima Taneomi, Politik [1884-7-7] G Sono Motosachi, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Tachibana Tomoharu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Takatsukasa Hiromichi, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Terashima Munenori, Samurai des Satsuma-Clans [1884-7-7] G Toda Ujitaka, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Tôdô Takakiyo, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Tokudaiji Sanetsune, Kuge (1) [1884-7-7] M Tokugawa Atsuyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] F Tokugawa Iesato, Shôgun [1884-7-7] M Tokugawa Mochitsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Tokugawa Satomichi, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Tokugawa Satotaka, Daimyô [1884-7-7] M Tokugawa Yoshiakira, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Tsugaru Tsuguakira, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Uesugi Mochinori, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Washinoo Takaatsu, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Yamada Akiyoshi, Militär [1884-7-7] G Yamagata Aritomo, Militär (1) [1884-7-7] M Yamanouchi Toyonori, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Yamashina Tokinao, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Yanagisawa Yasunobu, Daimyô [1884-7-7] G Yanagiwara Sakimitsu, Kuge [1884-7-7] G Yoshii Tomozane, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1884-7-8] V Abe Masakoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Abe Masanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Abe Nobumasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Akimoto Okitomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Akita Nakasue, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Akizuki Taneshige, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Andô Naoyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Andô Nobumori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ano Sanemitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Aoki Shigeyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Aoyama Tadashige, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Aoyama Yukiyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Arima Michizumi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Arima Yoriyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ashikaga Otomaru, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Aso Koreatsu, Religion [1884-7-8] B Awadaguchi Sadanori, Religion [1884-7-8] V Ayanokôji Arikazu, Kuge [1884-7-8] G Bôjô Toshiaya, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Bôjô Toshitsuna, Militär [1884-7-8] V Chigusa Aritô, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Date Muneatsu, Poltik [1884-7-8] V Date Munesada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Doi Tadanao, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Doi Toshitomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Doi Toshitsune, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Fujie Masayuki, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Fujii Yukimichi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Fujinami Kototada, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Fujiôji Norichika, Politik [1884-7-8] V Fujiya Tamechika, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Fukuoka Takachika, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1884-7-8] V Funahashi Narukata, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Fushihara Nobutaru, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Gojô Tameshige, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Gotô Morinushi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hachijô Takatomi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hagiwara Kazumitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hanazono Kintoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Higashibôjô Yoshinaga, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Higashisanjô Kinyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Higashizono Motonaru, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Higuchi Nariyasu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hijikata Katsuyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hinonishi Mitsuyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hiramatsu Tokiatsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Hirano Nagayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] G Hirohashi Katamitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hisamatsu Katsunari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hisamatsu Sadahiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hitotsuyanagi Suenori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hitotsuyanagi Tsugumune, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hôjô Ujiyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Masanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Sanefusa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Honda Sukemoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Tadaatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Tadahiko, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Tadatori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Tadatsura, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Teikichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honda Yasushige, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Hondô Chikahisa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honjô Hisanao, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Honjô Munetake, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hori Chikaatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Horikawa Yasutaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Hosokawa Okitsura, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hosokawa Toshinaga, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hosokawa Yukichika, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hoshina Masaari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hotta Masayasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Hotta Masayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Hozumi Toshika, Religion [1884-7-8] V Ichihashi Nagahisa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ii Naoyasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ikeda Hajime, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ikeda Masakata, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ikeda Masayasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ikeda Norisada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inaba Masayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Ikeda Katsuyoshi, Politik [1884-7-8] V Ikegami Tomofusa, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Ikoma Chikatsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Imaki Sadanori, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Imazono Kuniteru, Religion [1884-7-8] V Inaba Hisamichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inaba Masakuni, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inagaki Motoyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inagaki Nagahiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inoue Masahide, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inoue Masaoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Inoue Masayori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Irie Tamemori, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ishii Yukimasa, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ishikawa Nariyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ishikawa Shigeyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ishiyama Motobumi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Itakura Katsuhiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Itakura Katsumichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Itakura Katsusuke, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Itô Nogatoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Itô Sukemaro, Militär [1884-7-8] V Itô Sukeyori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Itôtsu Kimiyoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] V Itsutsuji Yasunaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Iwaki Takaharu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Iwakura Tomonori, Kuge [1884-7-8] F Iwakura Tomosada, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Iwakura Tomotsune, Politik [1884-7-8] V Iwano Motosuke, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Jikôji Arinaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Jimyôin Motoaki, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kabayama Sukenori, Militär (1) [1884-7-8] V Kadenokôji Sukeyori, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Kajino Yukiatsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kamei Koreaki, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] B Kaneko Arinori, Politik [1884-7-8] V Kanô Hisayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Karahashi Aritsuna, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Katagiri Sadatake, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Katano Tokitsumu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Katô Akizane, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Katô Yasuaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Katô Yasunori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kawabata Sanefumi, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Kawabe Hironaga, Religion [1884-7-8] V Kazahaya Kinkoto, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Ki Toshihisa, Religion [1884-7-8] B Kikkawa Tsunetake, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] B Kikuchi Takeomi, Politik [1884-7-8] V Kinoshita Toshiaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kinoshita Toshimoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Kitabatake Michishiro, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Kitagawara Kiminori, Religion [1884-7-8] B Kitajima Naganori, Religion [1884-7-8] V Kitakôji Toshichika, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kitakôji Yorimitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Kitaôji Kinhisa, Religion [1884-7-8] V Kiyooka Nagatoki, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kiyooka Tomoharu, Politik [1884-7-8] B Kobayakawa Shirô, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Koide Fusanobu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kuchiki Tsunasada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kuki Takatomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kuki Takayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kurahashi Yasuteru, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kuroda Naganori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kuroda Yoriyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kurushima Michihiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kushige Takamasa, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kuwahara Sukenaga, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kuze Hironari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kuze Michifumi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Kyôgoku Takaatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kyôgoku Takamasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kyôgoku Takamune, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Kyôgoku Takanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Machijiri Kazuhira, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Madenokôji Naohide, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Maeda Toshiaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Maeda Toshika, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Maeda Toshitake, Politik [1884-7-8] V Makino Sadayasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Makino Sukeshige, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Makino Tadaatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Makino Yasutake, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Makita Hirotaka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Manabe Akimitsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Masuyama Masatomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Chikanobu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Kataharu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Naohira, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Naonori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Naotoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Naoyasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Nobumasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Nobunori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Noritoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Noritsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Sadanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Tadakazu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Tadanari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Tadayuki I, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Tadayuki II, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Takenaga, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Yasutami, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Yoribumi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Yorihide, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Yoriyasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsudaira Yoshinari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsui Yasuyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Matsumae Nagahiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Matsunoki Yoshihiko, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Matsuzono Hisayoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] B Mibu Kôfu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Mibu Motoosa, Kuge (1) [1884-7-8] V Mimuroto Takemitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Minami Mitsutoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] B Minamiiwakura Tomotake, Religion [1884-7-8] V Minase Tadasuke, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Miura Gorô, Militär [1884-7-8] V Miura Takatsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Miyake Yasunaka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Miyanari Kimitsune, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Miyoshi Shigeomi, Militär [1884-7-8] V Mizuno Tadahiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Mizuno Tadamiki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mizuno Tadanaru, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mizuno Tadanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mizuno Tadayori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Mizutanigawa Tadaoki, Religion [1884-7-8] V Môri Motoisa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Môri Mototada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Môri Mototoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mori Tadayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Môri Takanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mori Toshinori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Morikawa Hisashi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Mushanokôji Saneo, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nabeshima Naonori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nabeshima Naotora, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nabeshima Naoyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nagai Naochika, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nagai Naokoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nagai Naomasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Nagaoka Moriyoshi, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] V Nagatani Nobuatsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Naitô Masakiyo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Naitô Masanao, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Naitô Masataka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Naitô Masatomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Naitô Nobutô, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Naitô Yasaburô, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Nakagawa Okinaga, Religion [1884-7-8] V Nakamuda Kuranosuke, Militär [1884-7-8] B Nakanomikado Tsunetaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Nakayama Nobuzane, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nakazono Saneosa, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Namba Muneyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nambu Nobukata, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nambu Toshinari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Naruse Masamitsu, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] B Nawa Nagayuki, Religion [1884-7-8] V Nire Kagenori, Militär [1884-7-8] V Nishigori Norihisa, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Nishiitsutsuji Ayanaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nishikinokôji Yorikoto, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nishinodôin Nobunaru, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nishio Tadaatsu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nishiôji Ryûshû, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Nishitakatsuji Nobuiwa, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nishiyotsutsuji Kinnari, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Nitta Toshizumi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Niwa Nagahiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Niwa Ujihiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Nonomiya Sadayoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Nozu Michitsura, Militär (1) [1884-7-8] B Nyakuôji Tôbumi, Religion [1884-7-8] V Oda Nagazumi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Oda Nobuchika I, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Oda Nobuchika II, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Oda Nobutoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ogasawara Hisanaga, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ogasawara Naganari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ogasawara Sadatsune, Daimyô [1884-7-8] G Ôgimachi Sanemasa, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ogura Hidesue, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ogyû Chikamichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôhara Shigetomo, Kuge (1) [1884-7-8] V Okabe Nagamoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Okazaki Kuniyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ôkôchi Kikô, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôkôchi Masatada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôkôchi Nobuhisa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôkubo Norimasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôkubo Tadanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôkubo Tadatoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Okuda Naoaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Okuda Naonobu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Okuda Naotsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ômiya Mochisue, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ômura Sumio, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] B Ono Takateru, Religion [1884-7-8] V Ôoka Tadataka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Oshikôji Kin-aki, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Oshikôji Moronaru, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ôta Sukeyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Otagi Michimune, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Ôtawara Kazukiyo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Ôzeki Masutoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] G Reizei Tamemoto, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Reizei Tametô, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Rokkaku Hiromichi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Rokugô Masaakira, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Rokujô Arisato, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Sagara Tsunanao, Religion [1884-7-8] V Sagara Yoritsugu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakai Tadaaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakai Tadaakira, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakai Tadamasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakakibara Masataka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakurai Tadaoki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sakurai Yoshitomo, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Satake Yoshitada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sawa Nobukazu, Kuge (1) [1884-7-8] V Seki Hironao, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sengoku Masakata, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Senke Takatomi, Religion [1884-7-8] B Senshû Suetaka, Politik [1884-7-8] B Shibanokôji Toyotoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] B Shibatei Yoshifusa, Politik [1884-7-8] V Shibayama Suketoyo, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Shikazono Saneyoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] V Shinjô Naonobu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Shirakawa Sukenori, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Sôma Tomotane, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Sonoike Kinshizu, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Sugitani Tokinaga, Religion [1884-7-8] V Suwa Tadamasa, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tachibana Taneyuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Takachiho Nobumaro, Religion [1884-7-8] V Takagi Masayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Takakura Nagatsune, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takamatsu Sanemura, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takano Yasutake, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takaoka Norisue, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takashima Tomonosuke, Militär [1884-7-8] V Takatsuji Osanaga, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takebe Hidetaka, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Takenokoshi Masaware, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Takenouchi Harunori, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Takiwaki Nobunari, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tamura Takaaki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tani Tateki, Militär [1884-7-8] V Tani Toshie, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tanuma Nozomu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tô Taneo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toda Tadatomo, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toda Tadayoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toda Tadayuki, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toda Ujiyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toda Yasuhiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tôdô Takanori, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Tokugawa Atsushi, Shôgun [1884-7-8] V Tominokôji Yoshinao, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Torii Tadabumi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Torio Koyata, Militär [1884-7-8] V Toyama Mitsutake, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Tôyama Tomoyasu, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Toyooka Katasuke, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Tozawa Masazane, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tsuchimikado Harunaka, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Tsuchiya Kyôchoku, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Tsugaru Tsugumichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Tsumori Kuniyoshi, Religion [1884-7-8] V Tsutsumi Isanaga, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Uchida Masaakira, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Uematsu Masanori, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Uemura Iehiro, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Uesugi Katsukata, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Umenokôji Sadayuki, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Umetani Michiyoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Umezono Sanenori, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Uramatsu Tarumitsu, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Uratsuji Hikorokurô, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Uzumasa Tomoyasu, Religion [1884-7-8] V Wakizaka Yasuaya, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Washinoo Takayoshi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Watanabe Akitsuna, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yabu Atsumaro, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Yagyû Shunrô, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yamaguchi Hiroyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yamamoto Sanemochi, Kuge [1884-7-8] B Yamana Yoshimichi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yamanoi Kanefumi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Yamanouchi Toyoshige, Daimyô [1884-7-8] B Yamanouchi Toyotada, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-8] B Yamazaki Harutoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yanagisawa Mitsukuni, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yanagisawa Noritada, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yonekura Masakoto, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yonetsu Masatoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-8] V Yoshida Ryôgi, Kuge [1884-7-8] V Yoshii Nobuyoshi, Daimyô [1884-7-9] V Ogyû Yuzuru, Daimyô (1) [1884-7-17] V Shinagawa Yajirô, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans (1884-9-11) V Hachijô Takatsugu 2. (1884-10-?) V Mizuno Naoshi 2. (1884-11-1) M Satake Yoshinari 2. (1884-11-18 M Kido Takamasa 2. (1884-12-17) V Aoki Nobumitsu 2. (1885-1-16) G Okudaira Masayasu 2. [1885-5-2] B Komatsu Yukimasa, Politik [1885-5-2] M Shô Tai, Herrscher (1885-8-24) V Nagai Naotoshi 2. (1885-9-1) V Toyama Mitsutsune 2. (1885-11-7) G Hashimoto Sanehide 2. (1885-11-9) V Okuda Naoyuki 2. (1885-12-?) V Mori Tadayasu 2. (1886-?-?) B Ikoma Chikatada 2. (1886-1-?) V Mizuno Tadatake 2. [1886-4-24] V Itakura Katsumi, Daimyô [1886-5-24] V Ijûin Kanehiro, Militär (1886-8-2) V Niwa Nagayasu 2. (1886-8-27) G Yanagisawa Yasutoshi 2. (1886-9-2) M Yamanouchi Toyokage 2. (1886-11-?) V Karahashi Arisada 2. (1886-11-2) B Higashisanjô Sanetoshi 2. (1886-11-12) V Matsudaira Yorinari 2. (1886-11-13) G Ijichi Masaichirô 2. (1887-1-6) V Otagi Michihisa 2. (1887-3-28) B Oshikôji Moroyuki 2. [1887-4-15] V Shichijô Nobunori, Kuge (1887-4-18) V Tamura Hiroaki 2. [1887-5-?] V Iwashita Hôhei, Politik [1887-5-?] V Kaeda Nobuyoshi, Politik [1887-5-?] B Katori Motohide, Poltik [1887-5-?] B Makimura Masanao, Politik [1887-5-?] B Ozawa Takeo, Politik [1887-5-?] B Takasaki Masakaze, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-7] V Yoshida Kiyonari, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-9] V Aoki Shûzô, Daimyô [1887-5-9] V Fukuha Yoshishizu, Gefolgsmann des Tsuwano-Clans [1887-5-9] V Hayashi Tomoyuki, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans (1) [1887-5-9] G Itagaki Taisuke, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1887-5-9] V Kagawa Keizô, Gefolgsmann des Mito-Clans (1) [1887-5-9] G Katsu Yasuyoshi, Hatamoto [1887-5-9] V Mori Arinori, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-9] V Nomura Yasushi, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1887-5-9] G Ôkuma Shigenobu, Samurai des Saga-Clans [1887-5-9] V Sugi Magoshichirô, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1887-5-9] V Tanaka Mitsuaki, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans (1) [1887-5-9] V Watanabe Noboru, Gefolgsmann des Ômura-Clans [1887-5-11] V Tanaka Fujimaro, Gefolgsmann des Nagoya-Clans [1887-5-19] B Watanabe Kiyoshi, Gefolgsmann des Ômura-Clans [1887-5-22] B Kurokawa Michinori, Militär [1887-5-20] B Takasaki Goroku, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-24] B Akamatsu Noriyoshi, Militär [1887-5-24] V Enomoto Buyô, Gefolgsmann des Shôgunats [1887-5-24] B Honda Chikao, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-24] V Inoue Masaru, Politik [1887-5-24] B Inoue Yoshika, Militär (1) [1887-5-24] B Kamiyama Kunikiyo, Politik [1887-5-24] V Kawada Kageoki, Politik [1887-5-24] V Kawase Masataka, Politik [1887-5-24] V Kuroda Kiyotsuna, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-24] B Maki Nagayoshi, Militär [1887-5-24] B Matsumura Junzô, Militär [1887-5-24] V Mishima Michitsune, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-24] V Ôkubo Ichiô, Gefolgsmann des Shôgunats [1887-5-24] V Ôsako Sadakiyo, Politik [1887-5-24] V Saisho Atsushi, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1887-5-24] B Sakuma Samata, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans (1) [1887-5-24] V Sano Tsunetami, Gefolgsmann des Saga-Clans (1) [1887-5-24] B Shigeno Kiyohiko, Militär [1887-5-24] V Shishido Tamaki, Politik [1887-5-24] V Yamao Yôzô, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1887-5-24] V Yamaoka Tetsutarô, Gefolgsmann des Shôgunats [1887-5-24] V Yuri Kimimasa, Gefolgsmann des Fukui-Clans (1887-6-13) V Masuyama Masaharu 2. [1887-6-23] G Sakai Tadaoki, Daimyô (1887-8-2) V Ôoka Tadaaki 2. (1887-9-15) V Aoyama Tadakoto 2. (1887-10-27) V Mushanokôji Kintomo 2. [1888-1-17] M Matsudaira Mochiaki (2) [1888-1-17] G Ôhara Shigetomo (2) [1888-1-17] V Ômura Hiroto, Politik [1888-1-17] M Saga Kintô (2) (1888-1-25) F Shimazu Tadanari 2. (1888-3-14) V Hoshina Masaaki 2. [1888-5-?] B Yamaji Motoharu, Militär (1) [1888-5-20] B Nozaki Sadazumi, Militär [1888-6-23] B Tokugawa Yoshikumi, Daimyô [1888-6-28] G Kiyosu Ienori, Kaiserhaus (1888-6-28) M Nakayama Takamaro 2. (1888-7-31) V Ôkubo Nari 2. (1888-9-2) V Yamaoka Naoki 2. (1888-9-28) V Takenouchi Koretada 2. (1888-10-22) V Hachijô Takakuni 3. [1888-11-1] B Matsudaira Hitoshi, Politik [1888-11-2] B Asano Yasunaga, Daimyô (1888-12-14) V Mishima Yatarô 2. (1888-12-17) B Kitabatake Katsumichi 2. (1889-1-17) V Ôkôchi Nobuyoshi 2. [1889-3-?] B Yamanouchi Toyozumi, Politik [1889-3-2] B Shimazu Utsuhiko, Daimyô [1889-3-31] B Tsugaru Naramaro, Daimyô (1889-4-4) V Mori Kiyoshi 2. [1889-5-?] B Aoyama Sada, Politik [1889-5-?] B Sakai Tadahiro, Politik [1889-5-6] B Ôgimachi Suetada, Kuge [1889-5-11] B Sakai Tadatô, Politik (1889-8-30) V Oda Hidezane 2. [1889-10-?] B Matsumae Takahiro, Daimyô (1889-10-2) V Iwaki Takatsune 2. [1889-10-16] B Satake Yoshinao, Militär (1889-10-21) V Ikegami Motofusa 2. [1889-12-18] B Tsurudono Tadayoshi, Kuge [1889-11-22] B Ida Yuzuru, Militär (1889-12-20) V Ano Suetada 2. (1890-1-8) G Tôdô Takatsugu 2. (1890-1-18) B Ida Iwakusu 2. [1890-3-?] B Ie Tomonaga, Herrscher [1890-3-27] B Nakinin Tomoshiki, Herrscher (1890-3-27) V Yoshida Nagamasa 2. (1890-5-10) V Kinoshita Toshiharu 2. (1890-5-10) G Muromachi Kimmochi 2. (1890-5-13) M Ikeda Nakahiro 2. (1890-5-23) B Maeda Toshikoto 2. [1890-6-27] B Tsuji Igaku, Gefolgsmann des Hiroshima-Clans (1890-8-1) M Matsudaira Yasutaka 2. (1890-8-7) V Ôkubo Tatsu 3. [1890-8-27] B Sawada Yasukuni, Religion (1890-9-?) V Takano Muneosa 2. (1890-10-2) V Akizuki Tanehide 2. [1890-12-26] V Matsuura Hakaru, Daimyô [1891-1-21] B Motoda Nagazane, Politik (1891-2-6) B Motoda Nagasada 2. (1891-3-7) F Sanjô Kinyoshi 2. (1891-3-23) V Kuki Takateru 2. [1891-4-?] V Nagaoka Moriyoshi (2) [1891-4-?] G Sawa Nobukazu (2) [1891-4-23] V Iwakura Tomoaki [1891-4-23] G Kamei Koreaki (2) [1891-4-23] V Kikkawa Tsunetake (2) [1891-4-23] G Mibu Motoosa (2) [1891-4-23] V Naruse Masamitsu (2) [1891-4-23] G Ômura Sumio (2) [1891-4-23] G Shimazu Tadaakira (2) [1891-4-23] V Yamanouchi Toyotada (2) [1891-4-24] M Date Muneie (2) (1891-5-27) G Yoshii Kôzô 2. (1891-6-12) V Matsudaira Yorihira 2. (1891-8-20) V Sakurai Yoshinori 2. (1891-9-16) V Yoshida Kiyokaze 2. [1891-11-21] B Kikkawa Chôkichi, Politik (1891-12-10) V Ishiyama Motonao 2. [1891-12-24] V Makino Tadayoshi, Daimyô [1891-12-28] B Ikeda Masayasu, Gefolgsmann des Okayama-Clans [1891-12-28] B Shimazu Hisaie, Militär [1892-2-25] B Sanjô Kinteru, Kuge (1892-3-7) V Sôma Aritane 2. [1892-3-16] B Môri Gorô, Daimyô (1892-4-?) V Manabe Akinobu 2. (1892-4-?) V Toyooka Kiyosuke 2. (1892-4-22) V Toda Ujihisa 2. (1892-4-28) B Kitagawara Kimihira 2. (1892-5-?) G Seikanji Tsunefusa 2. [1892-5-3] V Tokugawa Takesada, Daimyô [1892-5-30] B Date Munetomo, Daimyô (1892-7-20) V Kuroda Nagaatsu 2. (1892-8-25) V Katagiri Sadanaka 2. (1892-9-23) V Chigusa Yûryô 2. [1892-10-?] B Date Masato, Gefolgsmann des Sendai-Clans (1892-10-13) V Ômura Noritoshi 2. [1892-10-15] B Date Kuninari, Politik [1892-10-15] B Komeda Torao, Politik [1892-10-15] B Matsui Toshiyuki, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans (1892-10-22) B Date Muneteru 2. (1892-11-17) V Tominokôji Takanao 2. (1892-11-26) V Tsuchiya Seichoku 2. (1892-11-30) G Yamada Hisao 2. (1892-12-8) V Imaki Sadamasa 2. (1893-?-?) B Kitajima Narinori 2. (1893-2-23) V Kadenokôji Sukekoto 2. [1893-3-7] B Shimazu Tadamitsu, Daimyô (1893-3-25) B Aso Koretaka 2. (1893-4-21) V Doi Toshitake 2. (1893-5-28) B Imazono Kunisada 2. (1893-5-31) V Honjô Muneyoshi 2. (1893-6-26) G Terashima Seiichirô 2. (1893-8-10) V Inaba Masamichi 2. (1893-9-20) M Hosokawa Morishige 2. (1893-10-?) V Kyôgoku Takayori 2. [1893-10-30] B Hayashi Tadahiro, Daimyô [1893-10-30] V Kawano Togama, Politik (1893-12-1) B Satake Yoshitatsu 2. (1894-1-22) V Gotô Morimitsu 2. (1894-1-26) B Tsuji Kensuke 2. (1894-2-?) B Fujiôji Chikaharu 2. (1894-4-2) B Nitta Tadazumi 2. (1894-5-15) V Itô Sukehiro 2. (1894-5-15) V Iwano Motomichi 2. (1894-6-13) V Shibayama Noritoyo 2. (1894-7-?) B Oshikôji Moroyasu 3. [1894-8-29] V Mutsu Munemitsu, Gefolgsmann des Kii-Clans (1) (1894-9-25) V Reizei Tameisa 2. (1894-10-3) G Yanagiwara Yoshimitsu 2. [1895-1-?] V Inoue Ki, Politik (1895-1-8) B Yamanouchi Toyomasa 2. (1895-1-19) V Ishiyama Motonori 3. (1895-3-14) V Ogasawara Keiichi 2. (1895-4-?) V Inoue Tadashirô 2. (1895-4-?) V Takaoka Narisue 2. (1895-4-5) B Hondô Chikao 2. (1895-4-8) B Tsurudono Iekatsu 2. (1895-4-15) V Matsudaira Tadamasa 2. [1895-5-9] B Itô Miyoji, Politik (1) (1895-5-14) V Kawano Hisao 2. [1895-5-28] B Sawa Nobumoto, Kuge (1895-6-7) V Ichihashi Torao 2. (1895-6-7) V Sakurai Tadatane 2. (1895-8-?) G Aburanokôji Takasumi 2. [1895-8-?] B Kawaguchi Takesada, Politik [1895-8-?] B Okazawa Sei, Militär (1) [1895-8-1] V Kawakami Sôroku, Militär [1895-8-2] B Kodama Gentarô, Militär (1) [1895-8-5] M Itô Hirobumi (2) [1895-8-5] V Itô Yûkô, Militär (1) [1895-8-5] G Kabayama Sukenori (2) [1895-8-5] G Nozu Michitsura (2) [1895-8-5] M Ôyama Iwao (2) [1895-8-5] M Saigô Jûdô (2) [1895-8-5] M Yamagata Aritomo (2) [1895-8-10] B Yamaguchi Motoomi, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Ainoura Norimichi, Militär [1895-8-20] B Hasegawa Yoshimichi, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Ibaraki Tadaaki, Militär [1895-8-20] B Ishiguro Tadanori, Politik [1895-8-20] B Itô Toshiyoshi, Militär [1895-8-20] V Katsura Tarô, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Kuroda Hisataka, Militär [1895-8-20] B Kuroki Tamemoto, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] G Mutsu Munemitsu (2) [1895-8-20] B Nishi Kanjirô, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Nishi Tokujirô, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1895-8-20] B Noda Hiromichi, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1895-8-20] B Nogi Maresuke, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Oku Yasukata, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Ôsako Naotoshi, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] V Sakuma Samata (2) [1895-8-20] B Tatsumi Naofumi, Militär (1) [1895-8-20] B Tsuboi Kôzô, Militär [1895-8-20] V Yamaji Motoharu (2) (1895-9-25) B Kitaôji Sanenobu 2. [1895-9-26] B Shimazu Tadahiro, Daimyô [1895-9-28] B Yamane Nobunari, Militär (1895-10-2) B Yamane Kazutsura 2. [1895-10-7] G Hijikata Hisamoto (2) [1895-10-8] B Kawada Koichirô, Geschäftsmann (1895-10-8) V Miura Mototsugu 2. [1895-10-20] V Watanabe Kunitake, Gefolgsmann des Takashima-Clans (1895-10-22) V Jikôji Yukinaka 2. [1895-10-31] B Hashimoto Tsunatsune, Militär (1) [1895-10-31] B Hayashi Tadasu, Politik (1) [1895-10-31] B Nabeshima Miki, Politik [1895-10-31] G Sano Tsunetami (2) [1895-10-31] B Suematsu Kenchô, Gefolgsmann des Kokura-Clans (1) [1895-10-31] B Suzuki Daisuke, Politik [1895-10-31] B Tajiri Inajirô, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1) (1895-11-?) B Sakai Tadahiro 2. (1895-11-16) V Matsudaira Norinaga 2. (1895-11-16) V Yonetsu Masatada 2. [1895-12-?] B Nagayama Takeshirô, Militär [1895-12-4] B Kawamura Kageakira, Militär (1) [1895-12-4] B Yamazawa Seigo, Militär (1895-12-14) M Kazan-in Chikaie 2. (1896-1-13) V Maeda Toshisada 2. (1896-1-20) V Horikawa Morimaro 2. (1896-2-3) V Nishiôji Yoshimitsu 2. (1896-5-7) V Honda Tatsuo 2. (1896-5-7) V Ôsako Sadatake 2. (1896-5-14) B Makimura Masasuke 2. (1896-5-18) B Takasaki Yasuhiko 2. [1896-6-?] B Inada Kunitane, Gefolgsmann des Tokushima-Clans [1896-6-?] G Komatsu Tatewaki, Samurai des Satsuma-Clans [1896-6-?] B Obata Umashine, Politik [1896-6-?] B Shô Jun, Herrscher [1896-6-?] B Shô Tora, Herrscher (1896-6-2) V Hotta Masamichi 2. [1896-6-5] B Abo Kiyoyasu, Militär [1896-6-5] B Arichi Shinanojô, Militär [1896-6-5] B Fujimura Shirô, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1896-6-5] B Funakoshi Mamoru, Politik [1896-6-5] B Hanabusa Yoshimoto, Gefolgsmann des Okayama-Clans (1) [1896-6-5] B Ishida Eikichi, Politik [1896-6-5] B Itami Shigekata, Politik [1896-6-5] B Iwamura Michitoshi, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1896-6-5] B Iwamura Takatoshi, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1896-6-5] B Kinashi Seiichirô, Politik [1896-6-5] B Kitabatake Harufusa, Politik [1896-6-5] B Kitagaki Kunimichi, Politik [1896-6-5] B Kuki Ryûichi, Politik [1896-6-5] B Kusumoto Masataka, Gefolgsmann des Ômura-Clans [1896-6-5] B Murata Tsunefusa, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma Clans [1896-6-5] B Nagamatsu Miki, Politik [1896-6-5] B Nakajima Nobuyuki, Politik [1896-6-5] B Nambu Mikao, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1896-6-5] B Narahara Shigeru, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1896-6-5] B Ozaki Saburô, Politik [1896-6-5] B Sannomiya Yoshitane, Politik [1896-6-5] B Terashima Akisuke, Politik [1896-6-5] B Yamada Nobumichi, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1896-6-5] B Yamaguchi Masasada, Militär [1896-6-5] B Yasuba Yasukazu, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1896-6-5] V Yoshikawa Akimasa, Gefolgsmann des Tokushima-Clans (1) [1896-6-6] B Sonoda Yasukata, Politik [1896-6-9] B Hanazono Takushô, Religion [1896-6-9] B Iwasaki Hisaya, Geschäftsmann [1896-6-9] B Iwasaki Yanosuke, Geschäftsmann [1896-6-9] B Kibe Kôji, Religion [1896-6-9] B Mitsui Hachirôemon, Geschäftsmann [1896-6-9] G Ôtani Kôson, Religion [1896-6-9] G Ôtani Kôei, Religion [1896-6-9] B Tokiwai Gyôki, Religion [1896-6-15] B Shibutani Ryûkyô, Kaiserhaus [1896-6-30] B Sanada Yukiyo, Daimyô (1896-7-8) V Kuwahara Tameaki 2. [1896-8-?] B Ogawa Mataji, Militär (1) (1896-8-18) G Kamei Koretsune 2. (1896-8-18) V Sakai Tadakazu 2. [1896-8-20] B Ôshima Yoshimasa, Militär (1) (1896-8-26) B Ki Toshihide 2. (1896-9-8) V Hachijô Takamasa 4. (1896-9-11) V Tozawa Masaoto 2. (1896-9-26) B Shigeno Kiyotake 2. [1896-12-?] B Sano Nobukatsu, Militär [1896-12-3] B Hosokawa Moriaki, Daimyô [1896-12-3] B Iwakura Michitomo, Kuge [1896-12-3] B Kuroda Nagatoshi, Daimyô [1896-12-3] B Shimazu Tadakata, Daimyô (1896-12-7) B Kawada Ryûkichi 2. [1897-1-?] B Taku Ken-ichirô, Gefolgsmann des Saga-Clans (1897-1-21) F Môri Motoakira 2. [1897-1-27] B Shimazu Hisayoshi, Daimyô [1897-2-1] B Nishi Amane, Politik [1897-2-7] B Shirane Sen-ichi, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans (1897-2-26) B Nishi Shinrokurô 2. (1897-3-4) G Ogasawara Nagayoshi 2. (1897-3-13) M Hirohata Tadatomo 2. (1897-4-19) B Yamazawa Ikutarô 2. (1897-5-?) G Nakagawa Hisafusa 2. (1897-6-9) G Yamada Shigeyoshi 3. [1897-7-1] B Arima Yorikazu, Daimyô [1897-7-1] G Futara Yoshiyuki, Kaiserhaus [1897-7-1] B Gojô Yorisada, Politik [1897-7-1] B Nambu Yukiyoshi, Gefolgsmann des Morioka-Clans [1897-7-1] G Ueno Masao, Kaiserhaus [1897-7-20] B Katakura Kageteru, Gefolgsmann des Sendai-Clans (1897-8-2) V Kuki Takaharu 2. [1897-8-20] B Ôdera Chiyotarô, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1897-8-30) G Gotô Taketarô 2. (1897-9-3) V Ôkubo Tadamasa 2. (1897-9-13) G Mutsu Hirokichi 2. (1897-9-14) V Gojô Tamekoto 2. [1897-10-?] B Fukuhara Motozô, Militär (1897-10-?) V Kawada Kagenobu 2. [1897-10-?] B Nabeshima Naoakira, Militär [1897-10-?] B Shimazu Takamitsu, Politik [1897-10-10] B Nabeshima Shigeharu, Gefolgsmann des Saga-Clans [1897-10-27] B Hosokawa Okinaga, Politik [1897-10-27] B Môri Yoshihisa, Gefolgsmann des Hagi-Clans [1897-10-27] B Nakane Kishi, Gefolgsmann des Echizen-Clans [1897-10-27] B Shimazu Nagamaru, Daimyô [1897-10-27] B Tamiya Suzutarô, Gefolgsmann des Nagoya-Clans (1897-10-28) V Yamaji Motohiko 2. [1897-12-1] B Mizukuri Rinshô, Politik [1897-12-6] B Higashikuze Hideo, Kuge (1897-12-19) B Mizukuri Shôzô 2. (1898-?-?) V Nishikinokôji Ariaki 2. [1898-?-?] B Shijô Takatoshi, Kuge [1898-1-?] B Yamakawa Hiroshi, Militär (1898-1-21) G Niwata Shigetsura 2. (1898-2-?) B Tsuboi Kuhachirô 2. (1898-2-1) F Shimazu Tadashige 2. [1898-2-2] B Ikeda Kensai, Politik [1898-2-5] B Koga Michiyasu, Kuge (1898-2-12) B Yamakawa Saitô 2. (1898-2-25) V Suwa Tadamoto 2. [1898-2-26] B Senda Sadaaki, Politik (1898-3-?) B Nyakuôji Ayatake 2. [1898-3-26] B Morioka Masazumi, Politik (1898-4-1) B Morioka Hiko 2. (1898-4-29) V Ijûin Kanetomo 2. (1898-5-17) V Ishikawa Narihide 2. [1898-7-4] B Kanda Kôhei, Politik (1898-7-18) V Honda Tadasaki 2. (1898-7-18) B Shirane Matsusuke 2. (1898-7-19) B Kanda Naibu 2. (1898-7-27) V Inaba Masanao 2. (1898-7-30) M Tokugawa Kuniyuki 2. (1898-9-16) B Hosokawa Moritatsu 2. (1898-10-29) V Uesugi Katsunori 2. (1898-11-29) B Miyanari Kimiatsu 2. (1898-11-29) B Nawa Naganori 2. (1898-12-?) B Aoyama Hajime 2. (1898-12-10) M Shijô Takachika 2. (1899-2-?) G Katsu Kuwashi 2. (1899-2-18) V Takiwaki Nobuhiro 2. (1899-2-24) B Nishitakatsuji Nobuwaka 2. (1899-2-28) V Kuwahara Takanaga 3. (1899-3-24) G Hamuro Nagamichi 2. [1899-4-?] B Koteda Yasusada, Politik (1899-4-21) B Nakajima Kumakichi 2. (1899-5-11) V Kawakami Soichi 2. (1899-5-23) B Yasuba Sueki 2. (1899-6-7) V Matsudaira Sadaharu 2. (1899-8-?) B Komatsu Yukikazu 2. (1899-10-?) V Nishiyotsutsuji Kinteru 2. [1899-10-16] B Ônuma Wataru, Militär [1899-10-20] M Nakanomikado Tsuneyasu, Kuge (1899-11-?) V Umetani Michitô 2. (1899-11-1) G Ôgi Enkichi 2. (1899-11-11) B Mizukuri Toshio 3. (1899-11-25) B Ônuma Tateo 2. (1900-3-20) V Shinagawa Yaichi 2. [1900-3-27] B Isahaya Ietaka, Politik (1900-3-28) B Yamada Tôzaburô 2. [1900-?-?] B Tanegashima Moritoki, Politik [1900-5-?] B Fukuhara Minoru, Militär [1900-5-?] B Kawasaki Sukena, Politik [1900-5-?] B Nomura Koreaki, Politik [1900-5-?] B Nomura Motosuke, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1900-5-?] B Oki Morikata, Politik [1900-5-?] B Satake Yoshinao, Politik [1900-5-?] B Tomioka Yoshiaki, Politik [1900-5-5] B Hosokawa Junjirô, Gefolgsmann des Tosa-Clans [1900-5-5] B Soga Sukenori, Militär (1) [1900-5-5] B Tsuda Masamichi, Gefolgsmann des Tsuyama-Clans [1900-5-7] B Ohara Teki, Politik [1900-5-9] B Asano Morio, Gefolgsmann des Hiroshima-Clans [1900-5-9] B Asano Tadazumi, Religion [1900-5-9] B Chô Katsutsura, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Chôsho Hirotake, Politik [1900-5-9] B Fukuhara Toshimaru, Politik [1900-5-9] B Gô Junzô, Politik [1900-5-9] B Harada Kazumichi, Militär [1900-5-9] B Honda Masazane, Geschäftsmann [1900-5-9] B Hosokawa Tadayoshi, Politik [1900-5-9] B Iga Ujihiro, Gefolgsmann des Kôchi-Clans [1900-5-9] B Ikeda Chôzun, Gefolgsmann des Okayama-Clans [1900-5-9] B Imayeda Naonori, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Ishiko Mitsuteru, Gefolgsmann des Nagoya-Clans [1900-5-9] B Kashima Masakazu, Gefolgsmann des Kagoshima-Clans [1900-5-9] B Kataoka Toshikazu, Politik [1900-5-9] B Katô Hiroyuki, Politik [1900-5-9] B Kaneko Kentarô, Gefolgsmann des Fukuoka-Clans (1) [1900-5-9] B Kimata Izô, Gefolgsmann des Hikone-Clans [1900-5-9] B Kunitsukasa Naoyuki, Gefolgsmann des Hagi-Clans [1900-5-9] B Kuroda Kazuyoshi, Politik [1900-5-9] B Maeda Naotsura, Geschäftsmann [1900-5-9] B Maeda Tsukô, Religion [1900-5-9] B Masuda Akiyoshi, Gefolgsmann des Hagi-Clans [1900-5-9] B Miura Gongorô, Gefolgsmann des Wakayama-Clans [1900-5-9] B Môri Jûsuke, Geschäftsmann [1900-5-9] B Murai Chôhachirô, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Nagayama Moriteru, Politik [1900-5-9] B Okauchi Shigetoshi, Politik [1900-5-9] B Okumura Norihide, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Okumura Terushige, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Ôtori Keisuke, Politik [1900-5-9] B Ozaki Tadaharu, Politik [1900-5-9] B Saneyoshi Yasuzumi, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1) [1900-5-9] B Satake Yoshio, Geschäftsmann [1900-5-9] B Satake Yoshiyuki, Politik [1900-5-9] B Shiba Ban, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-9] B Shibusawa Eiichi, Samurai (1) [1900-5-9] B Shimazu Hayahiko, Daimyô [1900-5-9] B Shimazu Hisaaki, Religion [1900-5-9] B Shimizu Sukeharu, Gefolgsmann des Hagi-Clans [1900-5-9] B Shishido Otohiko, Gefolgsmann des Hagi-Clans [1900-5-9] B Ueda Kamejirô, Gefolgsmann des Hiroshima-Clans [1900-5-9] B Utsumi Tadakatsu, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1900-5-9] B Watanabe Hanzo, Gefolgsmann des Nagoya-Clans [1900-5-9] B Watanabe Chiaki, Gefolgsmann des Takashima-Clans (1) [1900-5-9] B Yokoyama Takahira, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1900-5-10] B Matsudaira Masanao, Gefolgsmann des Fukui-Clans [1900-5-11] B Kusuda Hideo, Politik (1900-6-15) M Maeda Toshinari 2. (1900-7-13) V Mori Toshinari 2. (1900-7-19) V Rokkaku Gentsû 2. (1900-7-30) B Itami Haruo 2. (1900-8-18) M Daigo Tadashige 2. (1900-8-29) V Ôkubo Noritaka 2. (1900-9-?) G Kuroda Kiyonaka 2. (1900-9-?) V Tanuma Tadasu 2. (1900-9-12) V Môri Motohide 2. (1900-9-29) V Iwashita Iekazu 2. (1900-10-?) G Kajûji Tsuneo 2. (1900-10-24) B Fukuhara Kuniki 2. (1900-11-10) V Matsudaira Naoyoshi 2. (1900-11-29) V Miyoshi Tôichi 2. (1900-12-12) V Nire Kagekazu 2. (1900-12-24) B Kuroda Zenji 2. (1901-?-?) B Itô Ichirô 2. [1901-1-24] B Itô Keisuke, Politik (1901-2-?) V Itô Hisazane 2. (1901-2-1) V Oshikôji Sanehide 2. (1901-2-7) B Motoda Kôkichi 3. (1901-3-12) V Kiyooka Ryû 2. (1901-3-30) B Satake Masakazu 2. (1901-4-25) B Ishida Hachiya 2. (1901-4-29) V Hosokawa Toshiaya 2. (1901-5-?) B Tsumori Kuninaka 2. (1901-6-7) B Chô Mototsura 2. (1901-7-1) V Oda Nobutsune 2. (1901-7-26) B Itôtsu Kimihiro 2. (1901-8-3) V Ôkôchi Masatomo 2. (1901-8-21) V Mimuroto Masamitsu 2. (1901-8-21) B Môri Chûzô 2. (1901-8-31) M Shô Ten 2. (1901-11-?) B Taku Ryûzaburô 2. (1901-12-28) V Shishido Isao 2. (1902-1-24) G Ii Naotada 2. (1902-2-7) B Nagayama Morioki 2. [1902-2-27] V Hayashi Tadasu (2) [1902-2-27] B Hirata Tôsuke, Politik (1) [1902-2-27] G Katsura Tarô (2) [1902-2-27] B Kikuchi Dairoku, Gefolgsmann des Tsuyama-Clans [1902-2-27] B Kiyoura Keigo (1) [1902-2-27] B Komura Jutarô, Gefolgsmann des Obi-Clans (1) [1902-2-27] B Sone Arasuke, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans (1) [1902-2-27] B Yamamoto Gonbê, Militär (1) (1902-2-28) B Kusumoto Masatoshi 2. [1902-3-7] B Kujô Yoshimasa, Kuge [1902-3-10] B Ichijô Sanemoto, Kuge (1902-3-28) V Tôyama Hidehiko 2. (1902-4-?) V Hosokawa Tatsuoki 2. (1902-4-5) V Inaba Masaaki 2. (1902-4-5) B Yamaguchi Toyoo 2. (1902-5-5) V Niwa Nagakuni 3. (1902-5-25) B Nambu Yoshinobu 2. (1902-5-30) B Mizuno Jukichi 2. [1902-6-2] M Saigô Toratarô, Militär [1902-6-3] F Tokugawa Yoshinobu, Shôgun (1902-6-7) V Matsudaira Tadayoshi 2. (1902-6-7) G Sô Shigemochi 2. [1902-6-19] B Maejima Hisoka, Bauer (1902-7-30) M Saigô Jûtoku 2. (1902-8-1) V Hagiwara Kazufusa 2. (1902-8-20) V Ogasawara Hisashi 2. (1902-11-30) V Ogyû Chikataka 2. [1902-12-?] B Nijô Masamaro, Kuge (1902-12-?) G Sano Tsuneha 2. (1902-12-23) V Naitô Masamitsu 2. (1903-1-10) V Nagatani Nobunari 2. (1903-2-4) G Ôtani Kôzui 2. (1903-2-17) V Naruse Masao 2. (1903-3-?) V Toda Yasumochi 2. (1903-3-7) G Sanada Yukimasa 2. (1903-3-28) B Kurokawa Kantarô 2. [1903-5-9] B Tsutsumi Masayoshi, Politik (1903-5-12) V Kiyooka Naganobu 2. (1903-5-22) B Nomura Tomotarô 2. (1903-7-1) M Ikeda Norimasa 2. (1903-7-14) B Matsuzono Harutada 2. (1903-7-16) B Nagamatsu Atsusuke 2. (1903-8-14) B Yokoyama Takatoshi 2. (1903-10-26) G Nambu Toshinaga 2. (1903-11-7) G Matsudaira Yorinaga 2. (1903-12-1) G Hino Sukehide 2. (1903-12-25) V Ikeda Nakanobu 2. (1903-12-25) V Tsugaru Ruikitsu 2. (1904-?-?) B Tsugaru Yukimasa 2. (1904-1-23) V Inoue Masakoto 2. (1904-1-23) F Konoe Fumimaro 2. (1904-1-23) V Niwa Naganori 4. (1904-3-?) V Takaoka Kazusue 3. (1904-3-24) V Ishiyama Motohiro 4. (1904-5-?) B Nagayama Taketoshi 2. (1904-5-20) B Matsudaira Narimitsu 2. (1904-5-26) V Nire Keisuke 3. (1904-6-7) B Shibatei Kintomo 2. (1904-6-23) V Nishinodôin Nobumune 2. (1904-6-23) G Nishisanjô Saneyoshi 2. (1904-7-?) V Nakazono Shigewaka 2. [1904-8-1] V Yamaguchi Motoomi (2) (1904-8-15) G Kawamura Tetsutarô 2. (1904-8-30) V Kitakôji Akira 2. (1904-8-30) V Yamaguchi Jûhachi 2. (1904-9-?) B Miyanari Kiminori 3. (1904-11-12) V Honda Tadateru 2. (1904-12-?) B Ie Tomozane 2. (1904-12-12) V Hisamatsu Katsuchika 2. (1904-12-24) V Kawada Haruo 3. (1904-12-28) B Date Motoi 2. (1905-1-12) B Watanabe Migiwa 2. (1905-1-23) G Anenokôji Kimmasa 2. (1905-1-23) M Hirohata Tadataka 3. (1905-2-?) B Kataoka Taketo 2. (1905-2-6) G Soejima Michimasa 2. (1905-2-13) V Tachibana Tanetada 2. (1905-2-16) V Ôoka Tadatsuna 3. (1905-2-21) V Kiyooka Nagakoto 3. (1905-2-22) B Utsumi Katsuji 2. (1905-3-?) G Komatsu Shigeharu 2. (1905-3-?) B Shô Rin 2. [1905-3-1] B Matsumoto Jun, Militär [1905-3-2] B Takagi Kanehiro, Militär (1905-3-14) V Kazahaya Saneyasu 2. (1905-4-7) V Matsumae Yoshihiro 2. (1905-4-29) B Matsunoki Akihiko 2. (1905-4-29) B Kajino Yukiyasu 2. (1905-4-29) V Torio Hikaru 2. (1905-5-15) G Nambu Toshiatsu 3. (1905-8-9) V Ôzeki Masuteru 2. (1905-8-21) B Hosokawa Tadao 2. (1905-9-12) B Sannomiya Suzuma 2. (1905-9-12) V Tôdô Takahiro 2. (1905-9-18) V Ogasawara Nagahiro 2. (1905-11-4) M Kikutei Kin-osa 2. (1905-11-6) B Ozaki Rintarô 2. (1905-11-24) G Sono Motoyori 2. (1905-12-13) G Reizei Tametsugi 2. [1905-12-25] B Takatsukasa Nobuhiro, Kuge (1905-12-27) M Date Munenobu 2. (1905-12-27) B Matsuzono Nobukiyo 3. (1905-12-27) V Mizuno Tadayoshi 2. (1906-1-15) F Kujô Michizane 2. (1906-1-23) V Kyôgoku Takayoshi 2. (1907-1-27) B Kawasaki Hiromi 2. (1906-1-27) V Kyôgoku Takayoshi 2. (1906-2-1) B Nozaki Sadayoshi 2. (1906-2-12) B Iwamura Tôru 2. (1906-3-?) G Mibu Motoyoshi 2. (1906-3-14) V Inoue Masayoshi 2. (1906-3-14) V Itô Jiromaru 2. (1906-3-22) V Itsutsuji Harunaka 2. [1906-4-11] B Gotô Shimpei, Politik (1) [1906-4-11] V Kodama Gentarô (2) (1906-4-12) G Yamada Hideo 4. (1906-5-16) V Nagaoka Moritaka 2. (1906-7-28) G Bôjô Toshinori 2. (1906-7-28) V Chigusa Arihide 3. [1906-9-?] B Arao Yoshinari, Gefolgsmann des Tottori-Clans (1906-9-?) G Shigenoi Sanekazu 2. (1906-9-?) V Takeya Takemitsu 2. (1906-9-7) M Tokugawa Yorimichi 2. [1906-9-11] B Arao Koreshige, Gefolgsmann des Tottori-Clans [1906-9-17] B Ariyoshi Tatsunari, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1906-9-17] B Fukao Shigetaka, Gefolgsmann des Kôchi-Clans [1906-9-17] B Hiki Kentarô, Politik [1906-9-17] B Igi Tadanaru, Politik [1906-9-17] B Ikeda Hironori, Gefolgsmann des Okayama-Clans [1906-9-17] V Matsudaira Yoshitami, Daimyô [1906-9-17] B Satake Yoshinori, Militär [1906-9-17] B Sawamura Shigeshi, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans [1906-9-17] B Tokura Mitsusaburô, Gefolgsmann des Okayama-Clans [1906-9-18] B Tôdô Terumaru, Politik [1906-9-21] M Katsura Tarô (3) (1906-11-10) B Kusuda Shimpachirô 2. [1906-12-?] B Yamanouchi Toyoshizu, Daimyô (1906-12-13) V Katô Katsuaki 2. [1906-12-15] B Adachi Masana, Politik (1906-12-24) V Shirakawa Sukenaga 2. (1907-1-?) V Umezono Sanemoro 2. (1907-2-?) B Ueda Muneo 2. (1907-2-18) V Akita Shigesue 2. [1907-2-21] V Suematsu Kenchô (2) (1907-2-26) B Suzuki Shûji 2. (1907-3-11) B Ariyoshi Tatsunari 2. (1907-3-18) B Shiba Chûzaburô 2. (1907-4-?) V Machijiri Kazuhiro 2. (1907-4-19) B Matsumoto Motomatsu 2. (1907-4-19) V Oda Nobukazu 3. (1907-4-26) V Honda Wataru 2. (1907-5-?) B Tamamatsu Kimiaki 2. (1907-5-2) V Tatsumi Toyomaru 2. (1907-5-14) B Adachi Yutaka 2. (1907-6-27) V Ayanokôji Shigetoshi 2. (1907-7-5) V Ôkôchi Masatoshi 3. (1907-8-9) G Matsudaira Naoyuki 2. (1907-8-22) V Fukuha Hayato 2. (1907-9-6) V Mizuno Tadasuke 2. (1907-9-7) G Muromachi Kinfuji 3. (1907-9-11) B Ikeda Masasuke 2. [1907-9-14] G Hayashi Tadasu (3) [1907-9-14] B Motono Ichirô, Politik [1907-9-21] B Andô Teibi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Arima Shin-ichi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Arisaka Nariakira, Militär [1907-9-21] B Asada Nobuoki, Militär [1907-9-21] B Chinda Sutemi, Gefolgsmann des Tsugaru-Clans (1) [1907-9-21] B Den Kenjirô, Politik [1907-9-21] B Dewa Shigetô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Fujii Kanesuke, Militär [1907-9-21] B Fukushima Yasumasa, Militär [1907-9-21] B Haraguchi Kensai, Militär [1907-9-21] V Hasegawa Yoshimichi (2) [1907-9-21] B Hashimoto Masaakira, Militär [1907-9-21] B Hatano Yoshinao, Politik [1907-9-21] B Hidaka Sônojô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Hirasa Ryôzo, Militär [1907-9-21] B Iida Toshisuke, Militär [1907-9-21] B Ijichi Kôsuke, Militär [1907-9-21] B Ijûin Gorô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Inoue Hikaru, Militär [1907-9-21] M Inoue Kaoru (2) [1907-9-21] V Inoue Yoshika (2) [1907-9-21] B Inoue Yoshitomo, Militär [1907-9-21] B Iseji Yoshinari, Militär [1907-9-21] B Ishimoto Shinroku, Militär [1907-9-21] F Itô Hirobumi (3) [1907-9-21] B Itô Yoshigoro, Militär [1907-9-21] G Itô Yûkô (2) [1907-9-21] B Kamimura Hikonojô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Kanô Yûnoshin, Militär [1907-9-21] B Kataoka Shichirô, Militär [1907-9-21] V Kawamura Kageakira (2) [1907-9-21] B Kigoshi Yasutsuna, Gefolgsmann des Kanazawa-Clans [1907-9-21] B Kimotsuki Kaneyuki, Militär [1907-9-21] V Kiyoura Keigo (2) [1907-9-21] G Kodama Hideo, Politik [1907-9-21] B Koike Masanao, Gefolgsmann des Tsuruoka-Clans [1907-9-21] G Komura Jutarô (2) [1907-9-21] B Kubota Yuzuru, Gefolgsmann des Toyooka-Clans [1907-9-21] B Kurino Shin-ichirô, Gefolgsmann des Fukuoka-Clans (1) [1907-9-21] G Kuroki Tamemoto (2) [1907-9-21] B Kurose Yoshikado, Militär [1907-9-21] B Manabe Sakari, Militär [1907-9-21] M Matsukata Masayoshi (2) [1907-9-21] B Matsunaga Masatoshi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Misu Sôtarô, Gefolgsmann des Hikone-Clans [1907-9-21] B Miyahara Jirô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Miyoshi Nariyuki, Militär [1907-9-21] B Mochihara Heiji, Militär [1907-9-21] B Mukôyama Shinkichi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Murakami Keijirô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Muraki Masami, Militär [1907-9-21] B Nakamizo Tokutarô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Nakamura Satoru, Militär [1907-9-21] B Nashiwa Tokioki, Gefolgsmann des Chôshû-Clans [1907-9-21] V Nishi Kanjirô (2) [1907-9-21] B Nishijima Sukeyoshi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Nishimura Seiichi, Militär [1907-9-21] G Nogi Maresuke (2) [1907-9-21] M Nozu Michitsura (3) [1907-9-21] V Ogawa Mataji (2) [1907-9-21] B Okazaki Shôzô, Militär [1907-9-21] V Okazawa Sei (2) [1907-9-21] B Okihara Kôfu, Militär [1907-9-21] G Oku Yasukata (2) [1907-9-21] B Ôkubo Haruno, Militär [1907-9-21] B Ôkura Heizo, Militär [1907-9-21] V Ôsako Naotoshi (2) [1907-9-21] V Ôshima Hisanao, Militär [1907-9-21] V Ôshima Yoshimasa (2) [1907-9-21] B Ôura Kanetake, Politik (1) [1907-9-21] F Ôyama Iwao (3) [1907-9-21] B Saitô Makoto, Gefolgsmann des Sendai-Clans (1) [1907-9-21] B Sakai Shigeki, Militär [1907-9-21] B Sakamoto Toshiatsu, Militär [1907-9-21] G Sakuma Samata (3) [1907-9-21] B Samejima Kazunori, Militär [1907-9-21] B Samejima Shigeo, Militär [1907-9-21] V Saneyoshi Yasuzumi (2) [1907-9-21] B Satô Susumu, Politik [1907-9-21] B Seki Yoshiomi, Politik [1907-9-21] B Shibayama Yahachi, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans [1907-9-21] B Shôda Yomozô, Militär [1907-9-21] V Sone Arasuke (2) [1907-9-21] V Tajiri Inajirô (2) [1907-9-21] G Tanaka Mitsuaki (2) [1907-9-21] V Tatsumi Naofumi (2) [1907-9-21] V Terauchi Masakata, Militär (1) [1907-9-21] G Tôgô Heihachirô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Tomatsu Magotarô, Militär [1907-9-21] B Tomioka Sadayoshi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Tsuchiya Mitsuharu, Militär [1907-9-21] B Tsukamoto Katsuyoshi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Uchida Masatoshi, Militär [1907-9-21] B Ueda Arisawa, Militär [1907-9-21] B Uehara Yûsaku, Militär [1907-9-21] B Uryû Sotokichi, Gefolgsmann des Daishôji-Clans [1907-9-21] B Usagawa Kazumasa, Militär [1907-9-21] B Watanabe Akira, Militär [1907-9-21] B Yabuki Hidekazu, Militär [1907-9-21] F Yamagata Aritomo (3) [1907-9-21] G Yamamoto Gonbê (2) [1907-9-21] B Yamanaka Nobuyoshi, Militär (1) [1907-9-21] B Yamane Takesuke, Militär [1907-9-21] B Yamanouchi Masuji, Militär [1907-9-21] B Yamanouchi Osahito, Militär [1907-9-21] G Yoshikawa Akimasa (2) [1907-9-23] B Hamao Arata, Gefolgsmann des Toyooka-Clans (1) [1907-9-23] V Hanabusa Yoshimoto (2) [1907-9-23] V Hashimoto Tsunatsune (2) [1907-9-23] V Itô Miyoji (2) [1907-9-23] B Iwasa Jun, Gefolgsmann des Fukui-Clans [1907-9-23] G Kagawa Keizô (2) [1907-9-23] V Kaneko Kentarô (2) [1907-9-23] B Matsuo Shigeyoshi, Gefolgsmann des Uwajima-Clans [1907-9-23] B Megata Tanetarô, Gefolgsmann des Shôgunats [1907-9-23] B Nakamura Yûjirô, Gefolgsmann des Kii-Clans [1907-9-23] G Ogyû Yuzuru (2) [1907-9-23] B Oka Genkê, Politik [1907-9-23] B Sakatani Yoshirô, Politik (1) [1907-9-23] V Soga Sukenori (2) [1907-9-23] B Takahashi Korekiyo, Politik (1) [1907-9-23] B Takei Morimasa, Gefolgsmann des Himeji-Clans [1907-9-23] V Watanabe Chiaki (2) (1907-10-?) V Ikeda Masatoki 2. [1907-10-?] B Sasô Sadao, Militär (1907-10-1) V Hosokawa Okitsugu 2. [1907-10-1] B Matsumura Tsutomu, Militär (1907-10-1) V Rokugô Masakata 2. [1907-10-2] B Arai Kiyokazu, Militär [1907-10-2] B Kodama Kiyoo, Militär [1907-10-2] B Maeda Isamu, Militär [1907-10-2] B Tôgô Yasushi, Militär [1907-10-2] B Tsunoda Takeo, Militär [1907-10-2] B Yamamoto Nobushige, Militär (1907-10-18) V Takamatsu Kin-aki 2. [1907-10-22] B Matsumoto Kanae, Politik [1907-11-4] B Hayashi Gonsuke, Gefolgsmann des Aizu-Clans [1907-11-4] B Makino Nobuaki, Gefolgsmann des Satsuma-Clans (1) [1907-11-4] B Takahira Kogorô, Gefolgsmann des Ichinoseki-Clans [1907-11-4] B Uchida Yasuya, Gefolgsmann des Kumamoto-Clans (1) (1907-11-8) G Hayashi Hirotarô 2. [1907-11-8] G Hayashi Tomoyuki (2) (1907-11-11) B Sakai Tadayoshi 2. (1907-11-27) B Matsumoto Shunzô 2. (1907-11-27) V Rokkaku Hidemichi 3. (1907-12-?) V Nishigori Shigehisa 2. (1907-12-9) V Naitô Raisuke 2. (1908-1-13) V Takenouchi Koreharu 3. (1908-3-2) V Mizuno Tadaakira 3. (1908-3-6) B Andô Naotake 2. (1908-3-13) V Yamanouchi Toyofusa 2. (1908-4-?) V Okuda Naomoto 2. (1908-4-2) G Aburanokôji Takamoto 3. (1908-4-11) G Matsuura Atsushi 2. [1908-5-8] B Sufu Kôhei, Politik (1908-5-22) V Môri Motokatsu 2. (1908-5-25) B Senda Kahei 2. (1908-5-28) B Iwasaki Koyata 2. (1908-6-?) V Hori Hidetaka 2. (1908-6-8) M Tokugawa Yoshichika 2. (1908-6-17) M Ikeda Tadamasa 3. [1908-8-3] B Tsuzuki Keiroku, Politik (1908-10-?) V Enomoto Takenori 2. (1908-10-30) G Aburanokôji Takashige 4. (1908-11-10) M Nozu Shizunosuke 2. (1908-12-?) B Inoue Tarô 2. [1908-12-12] B Tsuji Shinji, Gefolgsmann des Matsumoto-Clans (1908-12-20) G Asukai Tsunemaro 2. (1908-12-25) V Okazawa Seiichi 2. (1908-12-29) V Iwaki Takakuni 3. (1909-2-?) V Yonekura Masayoshi 2. (1909-2-7) V Kikkawa Motomitsu 2. (1909-2-15) V Andô Nobuatsu 2. (1909-2-19) B Fujimura Yoshiaki 2. (1909-2-19) V Nomura Masuzô 2. (1909-2-19) V Tanaka Akamaro 2. (1909-3-?) B Tomioka Mataoki 2. (1909-3-13) V Hashimoto Nagatoshi 2. (1909-3-17) V Oda Nagatoshi 4. (1909-3-25) B Honda Chikanari 2. [1909-3-25] B Kujô Yoshimune, Kuge [1909-4-29] M Sasaki Takayuki (2) (1909-5-20) V Itakura Katsurô 2. (1909-6-4) V Yuri Kimimasa 2. (1909-7-23) G Shimazu Tadamaro 2. (1909-7-27) V Hosokawa Okiharu 3. (1909-9-22) B Kamiyama Kuniteru 2. (1909-10-?) V Doi Toshiyoshi 2. (1909-10-7) B Satake Yoshinori 3. (1909-10-14) V Kaeda Kôkichi 2. (1909-10-21) V Ogawa Takeji 2. [1909-11-1] B Itô Bunkichi, Politik (1909-11-9) V Tô Taneyoshi 2. (1909-11-22) B Abo Kiyokazu 2. (1909-11-22) G Futara Yoshinori 2. (1909-11-30) F Itô Hirokuni 2. (1909-12-9) V Matsudaira Nobuoki 2. (1909-12-11) B Inoue Seizaburô 3. (1909-12-12) G Karasumaru Mitsumasa 2. [1909-12-20] B Ômura Takezumi, Daimyô [1909-12-20] B Shimazu Kennosuke, Daimyô (vor 1910-?-?) B Satake Yoshimori 2. (1910-1-17) B Arima Suminaga 2. (1910-1-19) B Yabuki Seizô 2. (1910-1-27) G Ogyû Kitsuji 2. (1910-3-2) M Sasaki Yukitada 2. (1910-3-9) V Nabeshima Naokazu 2. (1910-4-1) F Iwakura Tomoharu 2. (1910-4-9) B Ohara Senkichi 2. (1910-4-13) V Mizuno Tadamasa 3. (1910-4-14) B Nabeshima Hideharu 2. (1910-5-6) V Nishiyotsutsuji Sukesaburô 3. (1910-5-10) V Abe Masamoto 2. (1910-6-13) V Matsudaira Morio 2. (1910-6-14) B Bôjô Toshiyoshi 2. (1910-6-16) B Shimazu Sônosuke 2. (1910-6-28) B Kinashi Tsunesuke 2. (1910-7-1) B Katakura Kenkichi 2. (1910-7-12) G Hirohashi Tadamitsu 2. (1910-7-12) V Ikeda Kiyonari 2. [1910-7-20] M Komatsu Teruhisa, Kaiserhaus [1910-8-?] B Nagayo Shôkichi, Gefolgsmann des Hizen-Clans (1910-8-1) V Saisho Tokuitsu 2. (1910-8-3) V Kawabata Kin-atsu 2. (1910-8-25) V Inoue Katsuzumi 2. (1910-8-25) B Okazaki Masao 2. (1910-8-25) V Uchida Masayoshi 2. (1910-9-?) B Nagayo Ryûkichi 2. (1910-9-13) V Kurahashi Yasumasa 2. (1910-9-13) V Sone Yasusuke 2. (1910-9-22) V Aoyama Tadaaki 3. (1910-9-28) B Satake Keijirô 3. (1910-10-?) B Gojô Yoritsugu 2. (1910-10-?) B Honda Sukeyasu 2. (1910-10-?) G Sawa Nobutake 2. (1910-11-25) V Umetani Michisato 3. (1910-11-29) V Nishio Tadamichi 2. (1910-12-5) B Samejima Tomoshige 2. (1910-12-9) F Tokugawa Yoshihisa 2. (1910-12-14) V Kitakôji Saburô 3. (1910-12-20) B Gô Seinosuke 2. (1910-12-28) G Ijichi Masasuke 3. (1911-?-?) B Date Munetsune 2. (1911-?-?) M Komura Kin-ichi 2. (1911-?-?) V Toki Yoritoshi 2. (1911-1-?) B Harada Kumao 2. (1911-1-12) B Mukôyama Hitoshi 2. (1911-1-29) B Yamakawa Kiyoshi 3. (1911-1-31) G Hotta Masatsune 2. (1911-1-31) B Takasaki Yumihiko 3. (1911-2-3) G Bôjô Toshinaga 3. (1911-2-8) B Terashima Toshizô 2. (1911-3-10) V Otagi Michiyoshi 3. (1911-4-10) V Iwaki Takanori 4. [1911-4-21] F Katsura Tarô (4) [1911-4-21] M Komura Jutarô (3) [1911-4-21] G Terauchi Masakata (2) [1911-4-21] F Tokudaiji Sanetsune (2) [1911-4-21] G Watanabe Chiaki (3) (1911-5-1) B Ainoura Sukeichi 2. (1911-5-20) V Sakai Tadaakira 2. (1911-5-20) G Yamashina Tokimasa 2. (1911-5-30) V Tani Giichi 2. (1911-6-20) B Ôtori Fujitarô 2. (1911-6-20) V Torio Norimitsu 3. (1911-6-28) V Hotta Masamichi 2. (1911-8-1) B Shijô Takafusa 2. [1911-8-24] V Chinda Sutemi (2) [1911-8-24] V Hirata Tôsuke (2) [1911-8-24] B Ishii Kikujirô, Politik (1) [1911-8-24] V Kurino Shin-ichirô (2) [1911-8-24] V Ôura Kanetake (2) [1911-8-24] V Uchida Yasuya (2) [1911-8-25] B Fujita Denzaburô, Geschäftsmann [1911-8-25] B Katô Takaaki, Gefolgsmann des Nagoya-Clans (1) [1911-8-25] B Kondô Rempei, Geschäftsmann [1911-8-25] B Kônoike Zen-emon, Geschäftsmann [1911-8-25] B Mitsui Hachirôjirô, Geschäftsmann (1911-8-25) B Ôkura Kimmochi 2. [1911-8-25] B Sumitomo Kichizaemon, Geschäftsmann (1911-9-20) V Hiramatsu Tokiakira 2. (1911-10-30) B Yamazawa Seiichi 3. (1911-11-29) V Tsugaru Masuo 3. (1911-12-11) V Uchida Masaaki 3. (1912-?-?) B Tsugaru Tsuguyasu 3. (1912-1-31) B Chôsho Tsunenori 2. (1912-1-31) G Higashikuze Michitoshi 2. (1912-1-31) B Iwasa Arata 2. (1912-2-10) B Tsukamoto Kôji 2. (1912-2-10) V Nagai Naohiro 2. (1912-3-12) B Matsunaga Masao 2. (1912-3-20) B Isahaya Ieoki 2. (1912-3-20) B Takasaki Masamitsu 2. (1912-3-30) B Nishi Takeichi 2. (1912-4-1) B Fujita Heitarô 2. (1912-4-20) B Ishimoto Keikichi 2. (1912-6-10) V Nishikinokôji Aritaka 3. (1912-9-20) B Katori Saburô 2. (1912-9-20) V Makita Hiroshiro 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Fujii Yukinori 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Honda Yasutora 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Itakura Katsusada 2. (vor 1912-11-?) B Koteda Ryû 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Kuze Hirohide 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Matsudaira Yorikazu 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Uematsu Masahira 2. (vor 1912-11-?) V Wakizaka Hisashi 2. (1914-?-?) M Hosokawa Moritatsu 3. [1915-?-?] B Furukawa Toranosuke, Geschäftsmann [1915-?-?] B Kitazato Shibasaburô, Politik [1915-?-?] B Mitsui Takakiyo, Geschäftsmann [1915-?-?] B Yamakawa Kenjirô, Gefolgsmann des Aizu-Clans [1916-?-?] V Ishii Kikujirô (2) [1916-?-?] B Katô Teikichi, Gefolgsmann des Shizuoka-Clans [1916-?-?] B Matsuo Yoshio 2. [1916-?-?] B Yashiro Rokurô, Militär [1918-?-?] V Makino Nobuaki (2) [1918-?-?] B Masuda Takashi, Politik [1918-?-?] B Sonoda Kôkichi, Geschäftsmann [1919-?-?] B Furuichi Kimitake, Politik (1919-?-?) V Mishima Michiharu 3. (1919-?-?) V Sôma Taketane 3. [1919-?-?] B Yasukawa Keiichirô, Gefolgsmann des Fukuoka-Clans [1920-?-?] G Chinda Sutemi (3) [1920-?-?] B Ijûin Hikokichi, Politik [1920-?-?] B Shidehara Kijûrô, Politik [1920-?-?] B Matsui Keishirô, Politik [1920-?-?] B Takagi Yoshihiro 2. [1920-?-?] V Takahashi Korekiyo (2) [1920-?-?] B Takahashi Giichi, Politik [1920-?-?] G Uchida Yasuya (3) [1920-?-?] B Yamamoto Tatsuo, Politik [1920-?-?] M Yamashina Yoshimaro, Kaiserhaus [1921-?-?] B Ôkura Kihachirô, Geschäftsmann (1921-?-?) B Satô Tatsujirô 2. [1922-?-?] V Gotô Shimpei (2) [1922-?-?] G Itô Miyoji (3) (1922-?-?) G Kabayama Aisuke 2. [1922-?-?] F Saionji Kimmochi (2) (1922-?-?) F Yamagata Isaburô 2. [1923-?-?] V Katô Tomosaburô, Militär [1923-?-?] M Kuni Kunihisa, Kaiserhaus [1923-?-?] B Tachibana Koichirô, Militär (1925-?-?) V Hamao Shirô 2. [1925-?-?] G Hirata Tôsuke (3) [1925-?-?] B Hirayama Narinobu, Politik (1925-?-?) V Okabe Nagakage 2. [1925-?-?] V Saitô Makoto (2) [vor 1925-?-?] V Hamao Arata (2) [1926-?-?] B Hiranuma Kiichirô, Politik [1926-?-?] M Kachô Hironobu, Kaiserhaus [1926-?-?] B Kuratomi Yuzaburô, Politik [1926-?-?] B Tomii Masaaki, Politik [vor 1926-1-27] V Katô Takaaki (2) [vor 1926-1-27] G Katô Takaaki (3) [vor 1926-4-18] V Yamanaka Nobuyoshi (2) (1928-?-?) B Ôkura Kishichirô 2. [1928-?-?] M Tsukada Fujimaro, Kaiserhaus [1929-?-?] G Katsuragi Shigemaro, Kaiserhaus [1929-?-?] G Kawashima Higamaro, Kaiserhaus [1931-4-4] G Fushimi Hirohide, Kaiserhaus [1931-4-4] G Higashi-Fushimi Kunihide, Kaiserhaus [vor 1931-?-?] V Shibusawa Eiichi (2) (1933-?-?) G Yamamoto Kiyoshi 2. [1936-?-?] M Kuni Saneyoshi 2. (1936-?-?) V Saitô Hitoshi 2. [1936-10-?] M Otowa Tadahiro, Kaiserhaus (1940-?-?) V Watanabe Takeshi 3. [1940-3-?] M Awata Akitsune, Kaiserhaus (1941-?-?) B Ishiguro Tadaatsu 2. [vor 1941-11-14] V Sakatani Yoshirô (2) [1942-10-?] G Uji Iehiko, Kaiserhaus [1943-?-?] G Tarama Toshihiko, Kaiserhaus [1943-6-7] G Tatsuda Norihiko, Kaiserhaus IMPERIAL HOUSE LAW AND SUPPLEMENTS THERETO The Imperial Throne of Japan, enjoying the Grace of Heaven and everlasting from ages eternal in an unbroken line of succession, has been transmitted to Us through successive reigns. The fundamental rules of Our Family were established once for all, at the time that Our Ancestors laid the foundations of the Empire, and are even at this day as bright as the celestial luminaries. We now desire to make the instructions of Our Ancestors more exact and express and to establish for Our posterity a House Law, by which Our House shall be founded in everlasting strength, and its dignity be forever maintained. We hereby, with the advice of Our Privy Council, give Our Sanction to the present Imperial House Law, to serve as a standard by which Our descendants shall be guided. [His Imperial Majesty's Sign-Manual.] [Privy Seal.] The 11th day of the 2nd month of the 22nd year of Meiji. THE IMPERIAL HOUSE LAW. CHAPTER I. SUCCESSION TO THE IMPERIAL THRONE. Article I.- The Imperial Throne of Japan shall be succeeded to by male descendants in the male line of Imperial Ancestors. Article II.- The Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by the Imperial eldest son. Article III.- When there is no Imperial eldest son, the Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by the Imperial eldest grandson. When there is neither Imperial eldest son nor any male descendant of his, it shall be succeeded to by the Imperial son next in age, and so on in every successive case. Article IV.- For succession to the Imperial Throne by an Imperial descendant, the one of full blood shall have precedence over descendants of half blood. The succession to the Imperial Throne by the latter shall be limited to those cases only when there is no Imperial descendant of full blood. Article V.- When there is no Imperial descendant, the Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by an Imperial brother and by his descendants. Article VI.- When there is no such Imperial brother or descendant of his, the Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by an Imperial uncle and by his descendants. Article VII.- When there is neither such Imperial uncle nor descendant of his, the Imperial Throne shall be succeeded to by the next nearest member among the rest of the Imperial Family. Article VIII.- Among the Imperial brothers and the remoter Imperial relations, precedence shall be given, in the same degree, to the descendants of full blood over those of half blood, and to the elder over the younger. Article IX.- When the Imperial heir is suffering from an incurable disease of mind or body, or when any other weighty cause exists, the order of succession may be changed in accordance with the foregoing provisions, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council. CHAPTER II. ASCENSION AND CORONATION. Article X.- Upon the demise of the Emperor, the Imperial heir shall ascend the Throne, and shall acquire the Divine Treasures of the Imperial Ancestors. Article XI.- The ceremonies of Coronation shall be performed and a Grand Coronation Banquet (Daijôsai) shall be held at Kyôto. Article XII.- Upon an ascension to the Throne, a new era shall be inaugurated, and the name of it shall remain unchanged during the whole reign, in agreement with the established rule of the 1st year of Meiji CHAPTER III. MAJORITY, INSTITUTION OF EMPRESS AND OF HEIR-APPARENT. Article XIII.- The Emperor, the Kôtaishi and the Kôtaison shall attain their majority at eighteen full years of age. Article XIV.- Members of the Imperial Family, other than those mentioned in the preceding Article, shall attain their majority at twenty full years of age. Article XV.- The son of the Emperor who is Heir-Apparent, shall be called «Kôtaishi». In case there is no Kôtaishi, the Imperial grandson who is Heir-Apparent, shall be called «Kôtaison». Article XVI.- The institution of Empress and that of Kôtaison shall be proclaimed by an Imperial Rescript. CHAPTER IV. STYLES OF ADDRESS. Article XVII.- The style of address for the Emperor, the Grand Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager and of the Empress, shall be «His», or «Her» or «Your Majesty». Article XVIII.- The Kôtaishi and his consort, the Kôtaison and his consort, the Imperial Princes and their consorts, the Imperial Princesses, the Princes and their consorts, and the Princesses shall be styled «His», «Her», «Their» or «Your Highness» or «Highnesses». CHAPTER V. REGENCY. Article XIX.- When the Emperor is a minor, a Regency shall be instituted. When He is prevented by some permanent cause from personally governing, a Regency shall be instituted, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council. Article XX.- The Regency shall be assumed by the Kôtaishi or the Kôtaison, being of full age of majority. Article XXI.- When there is neither Kôtaishi nor Kôtaison, or when the Kôtaishi or the Kôtaison has not yet arrived at his majority, the Regency shall be assumed in the following order: 1. An Imperial Prince or a Prince. 2. The Empress. 3. The Empress Dowager. 4. The Grand Empress Dowager. 5. An Imperial Princess or a Princess. Article XXII.- In case the Regency is to be assumed from among the male members of the Imperial Family, it shall be done in agreement with the order of succession to the Imperial Throne. The same shall apply to the case of female members of the Imperial Family. Article XXIII.- A female member of the Imperial Family to assume the Regency, shall be exclusively one who has no consort. Article XXIV.- When, on account of the minority of the nearest related member of the Imperial Family, or for some other cause, another member has to assume the Regency, the latter shall not, upon the arrival at majority of the above mentioned nearest related member, or upon the disappearance of the aforesaid cause, resign his or her post in favour of any person other than of the Kôtaishi or of the Kôtaison. Article XXV.- When a Regent or one who should become such, is suffering from an incurable disease of mind or body, or when any other weighty cause exists therefor, the order of the Regency may be changed, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council. CHAPTER VI. THE IMPERIAL GOVERNOR. Article XXVI.- When the Emperor is a minor, an Imperial Governor shall be appointed to take charge of His bringing up and of His education. Article XXVII.- In case no Imperial Governor has been nominated in the will of the preceding Emperor, the Regent shall appoint one, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council. Article XXVIII.- Neither the Regent nor any of his descendants can be appointed Imperial Governor. Article XXIX.- The Imperial Governor can not be removed from his post by the Regent, unless upon the advice of the Imperial Family Council and upon that of the Privy Council. CHAPTER VII. THE IMPERIAL FAMILY. Article XXX.- The term «Imperial Family» shall include the Grand Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, the Empress, the Kôtaishi and his consort, the Kôtaison and his consort, the Imperial Princes and their consorts, the Imperial Princesses, the Princes and their consorts, and the Princesses. Article XXXI.- From Imperial sons to Imperial great-great-grandsons, Imperial male descendants shall be called Imperial Princes; and from Imperial daughters to Imperial great-great-granddaughters, Imperial female descendants shall be called Imperial Princesses. From the fifth generation downwards, they shall be called, respectively, Princes or Princesses. Article XXXII.- When the Imperial Throne is succeeded to by a member of a branch line, the title of Imperial Prince or Imperial Princess shall be specially granted to the Imperial brothers and sisters, being already Princes or Princesses. Article XXXIII.- The births, namings, marriages and deaths in the Imperial Family shall be announced by the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article XXXIV.- Genealogical and other records relating to the matters mentioned in the preceding Article shall be kept in the Imperial archives. Article XXXV.- The members of the Imperial Family shall be under the control of the Emperor. Article XXXVI.- When a Regency is instituted, the Regent shall exercise the power of control referred to in the preceding Article. Article XXXVII.- When a member, male or female, of the Imperial Family is a minor and has been bereft of his or her father, the officials of the Imperial Court shall be ordered to take charge of his or her bringing up and education. Under certain circumstances, the Emperor may either approve the guardian chosen by his or her parent, or may nominate one. Article XXXVIII.- The guardian of a member of the Imperial Family must be himself a member thereof and of age. Article XXXIX.- Marriages of members of the Imperial Family shall be restricted to the circle of the Family, or to certain noble families specially approved by Imperial Order. Article XL.- Marriages of the Members of the Imperial Family shall be subject to the sanction of the Emperor. Article XLI.- The Imperial writs sanctioning the marriages of members of the Imperial Family shall bear the countersignature of the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article XLII.- No member of the Imperial Family can adopt any one as his son. Article XLIII.- When a member of the Imperial Family wishes to travel beyond the boundaries of the Empire, he shall first obtain the sanction of the Emperor. Article XLIV.- A female member of the Imperial Family, who has married a subject, shall be excluded from membership of the Imperial Family. However, she may be allowed, by the special grace of the Emperor, to retain her title of Imperial Princess or of Princess, as the case may be. CHAPTER VIII. IMPERIAL HEREDITARY ESTATES. Article XLV.- No landed or other property, that has been fixed as the Imperial Hereditary Estates, shall be divided up and alienated. Article XLVI.- The landed and other property to be included in the Imperial Hereditary Estates, shall be settled by Imperial writ, with the advice of the Privy Council, and shall be announced by the Minister of the Imperial Household. CHAPTER IX. EXPENDITURES OF THE IMPERIAL HOUSE. Article XLVII.- The expenditures of the Imperial House of all kinds shall be defrayed out of the National Treasury at a certain fixed amount. Article XLVIII.- The estimates and audit of accounts of the expenditures of the Imperial House and all other rules of the kind, shall be regulated by the Finance Regulations of the Imperial House. CHAPTER X. LITIGATIONS. DISCIPLINARY RULES FOR THE MEMBERS OF THE IMPERIAL FAMILY. Article XLIX.- Litigation between members of the Imperial Family shall be decided by judicial functionaries specially designated by the Emperor to the Department of the Imperial Household, and execution issued, after Imperial Sanction thereto has been obtained. Article L.- Civil actions brought by private individuals against members of the Imperial Family, shall be decided in the Court of Appeal in Tokyo. Members of the Imperial Family shall, however, be represented by attorneys, and no personal attendance in the Court shall be required of them. Article LI.- No member of the Imperial Family can be arrested, or summoned before a Court of Law, unless the sanction of the Emperor has been first obtained thereto. Article LII.- When a member of the Imperial Family has committed an act derogatory to his (or her) dignity, or when he has exhibited disloyalty to the Imperial House, he shall, by way of disciplinary punishment and by order of the Emperor, be deprived of the whole or of a part of the privileges belonging to him as a member of the Imperial Family, or shall be suspended therefrom. Article LIII.- When a member of the Imperial Family acts in a way tending to the squandering of his (or her) property, he shall be pronounced by the Emperor prohibited from administering his property, and a manager shall be appointed therefor. Article LIV.- The two foregoing Articles shall be sanctioned, upon the advice of the Imperial Family Council. CHAPTER XI. THE IMPERIAL FAMILY COUNCIL. Article LV.- The Imperial Family Council shall be composed of the male members of the Imperial Family, who have reached the age of majority. The Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, the President of the Privy Council, the Minister of the Imperial Household, the Minister of State for Justice and the President of the Court of Cassation shall be ordered to take part in the deliberation of the Council. Article LVI.- The Emperor personally presides over the meeting of the Imperial Family Council, or directs one of the members of the Imperial Family to do so. CHAPTER XII. SUPPLEMENTARY RULES. Article LVII.- Those of the present members of the Imperial Family of the fifth generation and downwards, who have already been invested with the title of Imperial Prince, shall retain the same as heretofore. Article LVIII.- The order of succession to the Imperial Throne shall in every case relate to the descendants of absolute lineage. There shall be no admission to this line of succession to any one, as a consequence of his now being an adopted Imperial son, Kôyûshi or heir to a princely house. Article LIX.- The grades of rank among the Imperial Princes, Imperial Princesses, Princes and Princesses shall be abolished. Article LX.- The family rank of Imperial Princes and all usages conflicting with the present Law, shall be abolished. Article LXI.- The property, annual expenses and all other rules concerning the members of the Imperial Family, shall be specially determined. Article LXII.- When in the future it shall become necessary either to amend or make additions to the present Law, the matter shall be decided by the Emperor, with the advice of the Imperial Family Council and with that of the Privy Council. SUPPLEMENT TO THE IMPERIAL HOUSE LAW. Promulgated on February 11th, 1907, that is on the 18th year of enactment of the original Imperial House Law, with the following Imperial Rescript: The Law of the Imperial House of the Empire of Japan in enjoyment of heavenly grace is accordant with the principles of the Imperial Ancestors and there is no disagreement whatsoever. But with the development of civilization and the progress of the world, it is necessary that the system should be established in a full and complete form, and the provisions of the Law increased and enlarged. Considering it advisable, therefore, to consolidate for all time the Foundation laid down by Our Ancestors, and being desirous of making clear the «status» of members of the Imperial Family by Written Law, We hereby promulgate a Supplement to the Imperial House Law after duly consulting the Imperial Family Council and the Privy Council, and it is Our hope that Our Descendants and Subjects shall follow and observe it and never deviate therefrom. Article I.- A Prince of the Blood («Wô») may, by Imperial pleasure or on application, be granted a Family Name and be placed among the Peers. Article II.- A Prince of the Blood may, with Imperial permission, become Heir to the House of a Peer or become adopted by a Peer with the object of succeeding to his House. Article III.- The Wife and Lineal Descendants of a person who under the preceding two articles enters upon the «status» of a subject, and their wives, enter his House, except daughters who are married to other members of the Imperial Family and their Lineal Descendants. Article IV.- A Prince of the Blood who is deprived of his privileges may, at Imperial pleasure, be lowered to the «status» of a subject. The Wife of a person who under the preceding paragraph is lowered to the status of a subject enters his House. Article V.- In the case of Articles I, II and III, the opinion shall be taken of the Imperial Family Council and the Privy Council. Article VI.- A person who has once entered upon the «status» of a subject cannot become a member of the Imperial Family again. Article VII.- In addition to what is provided in this Law, regulations relating to the status and other rights and duties of members of the Imperial Family shall be separately provided. Where, as to matters in which both members of the Imperial Family and subjects are concerned, the provisions to be followed by the one differ from those to be followed by the other, the provisions of the preceding paragraph are followed. Article VIII.- Those provisions of laws and ordinances which are intended for members of the Imperial Family apply only where there are not special provisions in this Law and rules issued on the basis of this Law. On February 10th, 1907, the fact of the above Supplement to the Imperial House Law being about to be promulgated was solemnly declared before the «Kashiko-dokoro» (Shrine of Amaterasu Ôkami, the Imperial Ancestress), the «Kwôreiden» (Shrine of the bygone Emperors and Empresses) and the «Shiuden» (Shrine of the Gods) in the Imperial palace, and Imperial messengers were sent to the Ise shrines, the Emperor Jimmu's mausoleum at Kashiwabara and the Emperor Kômei's (the late Emperor's father) at Go-tsuki-no-wa, Kyoko. The Document which was read before these Shrines, etc., ran as follows: "We hereby respectfully inform the Spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors: Nineteen years have elapsed since the Imperial House Law was made for the purpose of making clear the rules bequeathed by the Imperial Ancestors and of consolidating the great Foundation of the Dynasty, endless with heaven and earth, during which time We have duly observed it along with Our brethren and have never acted in contravention thereof. But now that the national fortunes are enhanced more than ever and the divine influence of Our Imperial Ancestors shines forth afar all over the world, it is nothing but what the August intention of Our Imperial Ancestors directs that the Law should be Enlarged and Supplemented in view of the progress of time and fortune in order to strengthen the means of upholding Our dignity and authority, and broadening the way which Our Descendants are to tread. We, therefore, have provided this Supplement to the Imperial House Law, praying for the divine grace of Our Imperial Ancestors and swearing that we will faithfully act upon it for ever." "We pray that the Divine Spirits will hear this." IMPERIAL HOUSE LAW REGULATING THE NOBILITY OF JAPAN. «RE» THE TITLE OF PEERS. Owing to the Imperial pleasure that there should be no distinction between the Court and the military, and that high and low should be harmoniously united, it has been decreed that henceforth the title of Court Nobles («Kuge») and Feudal Lords («Shokô») shall be abolished and they shall be called Peers instead. IMPERIAL EDICT CONCERNING THE CREATION OF PEERS. (July 7th, 1884) Peers and descendants of meritorious subjects are naturally objects of national respect and veneration and they should be invested with high titles of nobility to show the honour in which they are held. All civil and military subjects who have assisted in the great work of the Restoration and rendered conspicuous services to the country should be distinguished by high special rank of honour. We, therefore, hereby create five classes of a peerage in order to regulate their degrees. You shall thus endeavour to be more faithful and loyal than ever and induce your descendants to make honour their ideal from generation to generation. IMPERIAL ORDINANCE CONCERNING PEERS. Promulgated May 8th, 1907. Article I.- All persons possessing Titles of Nobility are Peers. Members of the House of a Peer enjoy the «status» of Peers*. Article II.- Titles of Nobility consist of five kinds, namely, Princes, Marquises, Counts, Viscounts and Barons. Article III.- Titles of Nobility are conferred by Imperial pleasure through the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article IV.- Persons possessing Titles of Nobility enjoy treatment corresponding to their respective titles. Article V.- The wife of a person possessing a Title of Nobility enjoys treatment and denomination corresponding to her husband's title. The widow of a person possessing a Title of Nobility is specially enabled to enjoy the old treatment and denomination so long as she remains in his House. In case she becomes the Head of the House, or, without any person succeeding to her husband's Title of Nobility, she remains in the House, she alone is enabled to retain enjoyment of the classification of Peer and the old treatment and denomination. Article VI.- Of the members of the House of a person possessing a Title of Nobility, those mentioned below enjoy the treatment of Peers: 1. Great-grandfather, Grandfather and Father; 2. The legal Heir Presumptive to the House who is entitled to succeed to the Title of Nobility and his legitimate Eldest Son, or, if there is no legitimate Eldest Son, his illegitimate Eldest Son; 3. The person who was the Head of the House; 4. The Spouses of persons mentioned in the preceding three clauses. Article VII.- Persons possessing Titles of Nobility or persons who under the preceding two articles are entitled to treatment as Peers cannot enjoy such treatment if they fall under one of the conditions mentioned below: 1. Incompetent persons and quasi-incompetent persons; 2. Persons who having undergone a disposition of insolvency («shindai-kagiri») have not yet fully discharged their liabilities, and persons against whom an adjudication in insolvency («kashi-bunsan»), or bankruptcy, has become finally binding and for whom a decision of rehabilitation is not yet become finally binding; 3. Persons against whom a sentence a criminal action is brought and who are consequently in detention or on bail; 4. Persons against whom a sentence of a penalty of imprisonment or a graver penalty has been passed the judgment not yet having become finally binding. Article VIII.- A person possessing a Title of Nobility may, within the scope of laws and ordinances in general and of rules and regulations relating to Peers, fix a Family Constitution (Law). For a Family Constitution sanction of the Minister of the Imperial Household must be obtained. The same applies when it is cancelled or altered. A person possessing a Title of Nobility, who is a minor or an incompetent person, may not make a Family Constitution, or cancel or alter the same. Article IX.- A Title of Nobility is succeeded to by the Male Heir to the House. Article X.- An Heir to a House who is entitled to succeed to a Title of Nobility, or his legal representative, must, within six months from his coming to knowledge of the falling-in of the Succession, give notice of the Succession to the House to the Minister of the Imperial Household. On receipt of the notice mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Minister of the Imperial Household issues an order granting the Succession to the Title after obtaining Imperial sanction. Article XI.- The Succession to a Title of Nobility takes effect as from the time when the Succession to the House falls-in. Article XII.- The Heir to a House cannot succeed to the Title of Nobility: 1. When the Succession to the House falls-in by reason of loss of nationality; 2. When no notice of the Succession to the House has been given within the period mentioned in Article X, 1, or within three years from the time of the falling-in of the Succession to the House; 3. When in accordance with Article XXII or XXIV he does not enjoy, or has lost or been deprived of, the right to the classification of Peer. Article XIII.- Matters which are necessary for the control of the «status» of persons possessing Titles of Nobility and of members of their Houses are looked after by the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article XIV.- When a person possessing a Title of Nobility intends to effect a Marriage, an Adoption, Retirement from the Headship of the House, a Divorce by mutual agreement, Dissolution of an Adoption or Designation of an Heir to the House or Cancellation thereof, permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household shall be obtained before notice is given to the Registrar, or, in case the permission of the Court is required for the Retirement from the Lordship of the House, before application is made for such permission. When a person possessing a Title of Nobility has by will expressed an intention of making an Adoption or Designating an Heir to the House, the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household shall be obtained before consent is given in the case of the person who is to be adopted or the person who is entitled to give consent to the adoption in his place; and before the Succession is accepted, in the case of the Designatee, or his legal representative. The provisions of the preceding two paragraphs do not apply if one of the parties concerned is a member of the Imperial Family. Article XV.- When a person possessing a Title of Nobility intends to effect the Disinheritance of the legal Heir Presumptive to the House, or Cancellation thereof, or when the Person who has been Disinherited intends to have the Disinheritance cancelled, the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household shall be obtained before application is made to the Court. But this does not apply in case a person possessing a Title of Nobility has by will expressed an intention of disinheriting the heir to the house or of cancelling such disinheritance. Article XVI.- A person who has been appointed Heir to the House of a person possessing a Title of Nobility, or his legal representative, shall, before accepting the Succession, obtain the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household. The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if the appointee is a member of the Imperial Family. Article XVII.- When a member of the House of a person possessing a Title of Nobility intends to Marry, to be a party to an Adoption, to establish a Branch House, to Re-establish an Abolished or Extinct House, to Succeed to another House or to become a member of another House, the person possessing a Title of Nobility, or his legal representative, shall, before giving his consent thereto, obtain the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household. The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply if one of the parties is a member of the Imperial Family. Article XVIII.- When a person possessing a Title of Nobility, or his legal representative, intends to consent to another person entering (registering into) the House, he shall, before giving consent, obtain the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article XIX.- In case of a person possessing a Title of Nobility, or the Heir Presumptive to the House, having effected an Adoption, the Adopted is designated or appointed to be Heir to the House, the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household cannot be obtained unless the Heir to the House comes under one of the following conditions: 1. Blood-relations within the sixth degree of relationship in the male line of the Adoptive Father or of the Ancestor (the person who is succeeded to) except relations on the side of the original House of a person who has entered from another House. 2. Members of the principal House or a co-Branch House («dôke») or the head or members of a Branch House; 3. Persons enjoying the right of classification as Peers. Article XX.- If persons who are required to obtain the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Household have done any of the acts mentioned in Articles XIV-XVIII without obtaining the said permission, they may, according to circumstances, be suspended in regard to their treatment as Peers or prevented from succeeding to Titles of Nobility. In case the provisions of Article XVIII are contravened, the person newly entering (registered into) the House cannot enjoy the right of classification as Peer. Article XXI.- A person possessing a Title of Nobility against whom a sentence of death or penal servitude has become finally binding loses his Title of Nobility. When the wife of a person possessing a Title of Nobility comes under the case mentioned in the preceding paragraph, her treatment as a Peer is estopped. Article XXII.- When a person who is entitled to the treatment under Article V, 2 or a member of the House of a person possessing a Title of Nobility comes under the case mentioned in the preceding Article, such person only loses the right of classification as a Peer. In case a member of the House of a person on whom a Title of Nobility has been newly conferred comes under the case mentioned in the preceding Article, such member only cannot enjoy the right of classification as a Peer. Article XXIII.- When persons possessing Titles of Nobility and persons who are entitled to the treatment under Articles V and VI come under one of the following clauses, their treatment as Peers is suspended: 1. Persons who are unable to maintain the dignity of Peers; 2. Persons who to a serious extent have contravened orders of the Minister of the Imperial Household or their Family Constitution. Article XXIV.- Besides the cases specified in the preceding three Articles, persons who are guilty of acts disgracing the honour of Peers shall, according to circumstances, be required to return their Titles of Nobility, deprived of the right of classification as Peers or suspended or deprived of the treatment of Peers. When members of Houses which do not enjoy the treatment under Articles V and VI are guilty of misconduct as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, they are deprived of the right of classification as Peers. Article XXV.- A person possessing a Title of Nobility who is unable to maintain his dignity as such may, through the Minister of the Imperial Household, apply for permission to return his Title of Nobility. Article XXVI.- Penal measures mentioned in Articles XX, 1, XXIII and XXIV are, with Imperial sanction, adopted by the Minister of the Imperial Household. The same applies when a suspension of the treatment of Peers is cancelled. As for the penal measures and cancellation mentioned in the preceding paragraph, Imperial sanction shall be obtained after resolutions have been passed by the Disciplinary Committee organized of members jointly elected by persons possessing Titles of Nobility. An estoppal of the treatment of Peers is cancelled by special Imperial grace. Article XXVII.- The regulations relating to the joint election of a Disciplinary Committee shall, with Imperial sanction, be determined by the Minister of the Imperial Household. This ordinance shall be enforced from June 1st, 1907. The Imperial Ordinance concerning Peers of the year 1884 and «re» the Household Members and Officers of Princes of the Blood and Peers, and the «Dajôkwan» Notice dated September 10th, 1871, are Hereby Cancelled. *This means that they are said to belong to the class of Peers as contrasted with the class of Commerce, etc. PRECEDENCE OF PEERS. (Department of the Imperial Household Notice B No. 5, July 15th, 1884) The Precedence of Peers is determined by their Titles of Nobility and, among persons possessing an equal Title of Nobility, it is determined by Court Rank. REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE CONFERMENT OF COURT RANK. (Imperial Ordinance No. 10, May 6th, 1887, amended by Imperial Ordinance No. 149, 1900) Article I.- Court rank (Kurai) is conferred on Peers, officials of the «choku-nin» and «sô-nin» ranks, persons who have rendered distinguished services to the State or persons of such merit as to warrant public notice. Article II.- Rank is divided into sixteen grades from the senior grade of the first rank to the junior grade of the eighth rank. Article III.- Court rank from the junior grade of the fourth rank upwards is conferred by Imperial grace through the Minister of the Imperial Household, and that from the senior grade of the fifth rank downwards is conferred with Imperial approval and made public by the Minister of the Imperial Household. Article IV.- With the exception of cases otherwise governed by the Criminal Code and other special provisions, Court Rank is conferred for life. But in cases other than specified in special provisions, if a person possessing Court Rank is sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment or a graver penalty, or is guilty of an act calculated to disgrace his honour, he is required to return the rank. Article V.- For ranks from junior grade of fourth rank, treatment is accorded corresponding to Titles of Nobility according to the following rule: Prince Junior grade of 1st rank Marquis Senior grade of 2nd rank Count Junior grade of 2nd rank Viscount Senior and junior grades of 3rd rank Baron Senior and junior grades of 4th rank Article VI.- Persons possessing at once a Title of Nobility and a Special Rank are treated according to whichever is the higher of the two. COURT RANKS. Jôichii First Juichii Second Jônii Third Junii Fourth Jôzammi Fifth Juzammi Sixth Jôshii Seventh Jushii Eighth Jôgoi Ninth Jugoi Tenth Jôrokui Eleventh Jurokui Twelfth Jôshichii Thirteenth Jushichii Fourteenth Jôhachii Fifteenth Juhachii Sixteenth THE IMPERIAL REGULATIONS OF PRECEDENCE AT COURT. Precedence at Court is determined according to the list hereto annexed, but this does not apply to that which is connected with Official Functions. As between persons of the same degree, Precedence is determined by the date on which they were appointed to office. But in case the date of appointment is the same, Precedence as between their predecessors in office governs. If a person is transferred to another office of the same degree, his status is determined by the date on which he was first advanced to that degree. In the case of a person holding two or more offices his status is determined by whichever is the highest of them, no matter whether it is his principal office or the one which he holds additionally (to the principal office). As between persons who are admitted to office for the first time and who attain the same degree on the same date, there is no other fact by which the order of their status is to be determined; it is determined by their respective ages. A person whose office has been abolished or who has resigned from his office but who has been re-appointed to an office of the same degree within thirty days may retain his former status. A person who is lowered in official rank takes precedence over all persons actually holding offices of the same degree (as that to which he is lowered). But a person who is lowered from the «shinnin» (rank of office) to the first class «sônin» (rank of office) takes the status next to those specially reserved for certain persons of the same degree. Persons for whom a special status is allotted are not governed by these provisions. Note: Though Precedence at Court is, as a rule, determined by whichever is the highest (of the qualifications of which a person may be possessed), when Peers from Counts downwards, or persons holding the Second Class Order of Merit downwards, are summoned to Court in view of the offices they hold, they are treated according to such offices; but when persons are summoned without any regard to offices, Orders of Merit or Classes of Peerage, they are treated according to whichever is the highest (of their qualifications). Holders of Supreme Order (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Minister-President of State Marshals (according to the order in which the title has been granted) Ministers of State (according to the order of appointment) President of the Privy Council (according to the order of appointment) Governor-General of Korea (according to the order of appointment) Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (according to the order of appointment) Full Generals (according to the order of appointment) Full Admirals (according to the order of appointment) Grand Chamberlain Vice-President of the Privy Council «Shinnin» officials (according to the order of appointment) Persons treated as «shinnin» officials (according to the order of appointment) President of the House of Peers President of the House of Representatives Holders of Order of the Rising Sun and Paulownia (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Princes (according to the order of Creation) Persons of Junior First Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Holders of First Class: Order of the Rising Sun (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Order of the Sacred Treasure (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Persons of the First Degree Grand Master of Ceremonies (according to the order of appointment) Grand Master of Rituals (according to the order of appointment) Grand Master of the Empress's Household (according to the order of appointment) First Class high officials Vice-President of the House of Peers Vice-President of the House of Representatives Marquises (according to the order of Creation) Persons of Senior Second Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Persons of the Second Degree Second Class high officials (according to the order of appointment) Gentlemen-in-Waiting in «Jakô» Hall (according to whichever is the highest in Peerage, Rank or Merit) Gentlemen-in-Waiting in «Kinkei» Hall (according to whichever is the highest in Peerage, Rank or Merit) Persons treated as «Choku-nin» officials (according to the order of appointment) Counts (according to the order of Creation) Persons of Junior Second Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Holders of Second Class: Order of the Rising Sun (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Order of the Sacred Treasure (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Viscounts (according to the order of Creation) Persons of Senior Third Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Persons of Junior Third Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Holders of Third Class: Order of the Rising Sun (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Order of the Sacred Treasure (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Barons (according to the order of Creation) Persons of Senior Fourth Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Persons of Junior Fourth Rank (according to the order in which it has been conferred) Persons of the Third Degree Third Class high officials (according to the order of appointment) Persons treated in the same manner as civil «Sônin» officials (according to the order of appointment) As regards persons of the Fourth Degree downwards, their Precedence is determined after the example of persons of the Third Degree, and it is therefore unnecessary to give details. 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